Sight glitch

89 13 4


-by Cadoxton Candela.


There's a dimly lit room. A small office with a little table in the center. Cracked walls, webs creeping over the line of shelves and the corners.

There are dead bodies littered around. And blood everywhere.

Two men are facing each other in silence. One is dressed in a dark cloak with tall collars and a revolver in his hand.

His hood covers his face and red flickers make his eyes. He has blood soaked in his cloth.

The other is panting and sweating. He has a grey long sleeved shirt.

You can't hide anymore. I've come to claim your sight and complete the ceremony.
And to get that relic. Where is it?

It's not here. If you kill me like you did to the others, you won't find it. If you let me go you won't find it.
Either way you won't find it.
It won't take long for the police to arrive too. You're a criminal after all.

I never thought one of our kind would fight for a different one instead of his own.
You're a disgrace to the Lamarok.
I'll not carry on the ceremony if you show me where the relic is.

That relic belongs to Apertures. You won't have what doesn't belong to your race!
And I can't betray my wife's wish!

Your wife huh. I see. (Walking toward him)
You're loyal to her than your race.
I'll have you, then your wife then the abomination she conceived.

The cloaked man grips his neck and lifts him.

I'll have you first then. (His eyes flash red and the other man's eyes start breaking apart)

"I son...hope you're safe where you are. I'll be a better father if I meet you again...I promise".
(Struggling as he eyes slowly shut)

After sometime, the man stops struggling and his eyes a blank. The cloaked man casts his body aside and it slumps down.

The cloaked man's eyes dim and he staggers forward through the door as the wails of the police cars near.

2 years later.

{Please read in dark mode for better imagery}

9:21 pm

Cadoc is slouching against the window as gentle rain falls outside and drops of water snakes down the cold glass pane.
He plays with a coin in his hand.

White bright light fills the room and BOOM! Thunder rips through the air and he's stunned.

The coin slips through his fingers and dins down the stairs.
He stands, and walks to to the coin. He realizes the door before him.

The door he shouldn't open.
The door who's hinges shouldn't creak.
He couldn't reach the handle when he was little. But now he can.

"Should I?...I need to see it. I...I have to see what's been there this whole time."

His hands quake as they near the knob. He holds, turns, and the door creaks open.

He steps in slowly, looking around at the dim lighted room. The shelves. The books covered with cobwebs. Dust. A strange stillness shrouds the room.

Then, there lying on the shelf, the mystery.
A little carved miniature. (Cover pic)

He reaches for it. His fingers touch but he is repelled by some force.
He tripples backwards holding his burning hand. His eyes searches above in confusion. Everything glitches into white and black. The books, shelves, everything dulls into grey.

Everything except himself and the relic that lies there on the shelf are not grey. Suddenly everything is bright again.

"Wh...what is this! The world's different."

He's sweating and panting. Looking about frantically at what just happened. His mother stands at the door way with her hands covering her mouth.

She's frozen in place with terror in her almost tearful eyes.

MOTHER it? (Whispering) You ruined everything! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TOUCH HIS RELIC!

I...I don't know what came over me...I couldn't help but...

It''s alright. (Sighs deeply) I thought it would happen. Come.
(She walks out of the room. Rain still falls outside)

They sit at a small table. Candles lights around in a small yellow glow.

(The meter blows up and the place darkens)

She holds Cadoc's palm in hers as she rubs cotton over a mark in his palm.
All the lights are out in the house except the candles.

That's everything you saw? Just the place turning grey? (Blows over Cadoc's palm)

Yes...that's all I saw. I don't know how to explain it but I felt my insides were cracking or...melting.

Nevermind. It's...complicated. You weren't supposed to touch it.
Because someone would try to find us and it'll hurt you too.

Why doesnt it hurt you when you touch it? Why only me? That someone, is Aperture too?

You'll know why one day. That someone is different from us. A higher class and last of his kind. (Sighs)

All of a sudden, his mother motions at him to keep quiet. She stares outside through the window.

A figure stands behind the window. He has a glowing lantern in his hand and a hood over his head and a black cloak draped over his body.
He's drenched standing in the rain. And a revolver he holds glitters as the water drip over it. His eyes are in an ember red flicker.

(Under a whisper) He's here...already. How...come?

He's here for us right?
(His mother nods)

He's here for more
"I should have hidden it long ago. But it's too late now. He's already here". (Sighs)
Next on Grey Ambience.

The man's eyes flicker red and Emily's eyes crack into falling pieces. Her body finds no strength to fight anymore.
I'm...not suppose to be here. I have to go to to Hē-arth. Or the he will come for me! He'll kill me like he killed my mom! (Panting)"

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