Flash of evidence

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Jane closes the car door and pockets the key.
She looks up at the creaking structure before her.
It's an old barn in a grassy plain. The rotten wooden build is nearly overrun with termites. There are a few trees around swaying in the wind.

"There are surely going to be rainy days for the rat".

The clouds are clustered and dark. Strong winds lift her dress. Light flashes in the thick dark clouds every now and then.

Jane enters. There are compartments on either sides of her. There's hay spread on the floor and piles are heaped around. Candles are lit on stands. She makes it to a clearing where Lythe stands.

(Lights one candle by him)
Were you followed? (Jane shakes head) Very fine. Did the lad take the relic into the other house he's in now?

I'm not too sure. He's a little more careful with his things now. I searched his room and found nothing.
I want it. I want it now.

You'll have it soon. Be patient. (Smirks) I think one part of your plan has been fulfilled.

Yes. Amber is dead, and now I'm closer to having my reward. The only thing in my way is the rat.

You were able to kill the man. Why can't you kill the rat too. It'll make both our work a lot easier.

I can't kill him. The police already suspect I have a hand in my husband's death. Another death will put me in more trouble.
But why don't you kill him yourself?

I'm always wanted. So I have to work in the dark...If it's necessary that is.
Once my plans are complete, I'll kill him myself.

So...what should I do now?

Avoid going to prison or all we've worked for will fail.

I understand. But don't worry about me getting caught. Even though the rat is sure I killed Amber, he has no evidence. I clean my trails. What about Hamzer? He knows you're a criminal right?

Hmm. (Nods) Hamzer can't say a word. He knows I'll come for him if he does. So forget about him.

Moments pass

I want it. Give it to me.

(Laughs) You've had a craving for insight. (He walks to her) And the insight one can have can be quite intoxicating. But there are consequences.

I don't care about the consequences. Just let me see. Let me see again. Let me have it.

Very well. (Smirks)

   Lythe's eyes flash red and Jane smiles in anticipation. She turns looking around at the world. It's red and black and letters floating everywhere.
Her heart beats with excitement and she's panting. Then it all turns back to grey again.

   Her knees give up and she falls into the hay in mirth as her eyes burn. She gets back up, still panting.

(Sighs deeply) That was a thrill!!

Of course. It is for a Human.
"I can keep using her. She's addicted to a Lamarok's sight. And that's what I promise her. Too bad she's just a pawn." (Smirks)

   The rain starts and falls through the cracks in the room. There's thunder and flashes of light.

(Looking around)
Jane! (Jane turns to him) Did someone follow you?

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