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Cadoc stares at the relic on the shelf. Alentinio is behind him leaning against the wall.
They are in a room it's been locked so Bill and the others won't know.
The rain outside is getting heavier and the clouds darker.

So I'm supposed to take the relic and speak Graye's name out loud. Just like that.

Well that's what a normal Aperture would do. He'd just focus while touching it and call Graye's name.
But it's gonna hurt real bad since you're half Aperture. Brace yourself for it.
Take the relic anytime you're ready.

Okay. (Takes a deep breath)

His hands reaches for the relic. His eyes shut and he breathes. Then he grabs it.
His teeth gnashes and he his head snaps backwards at the pain.

Come on lad. That's it.

Cadoc lets go of the relic and it falls. He pants and his hand burns. The pain is overwhelming.

It's...too much. (Panting) Maybe we should call Hamzer. He's an aperture right? He can ask Graye. (Sighs deeply)

Hamzer just got out from questioning and needs rest. He's free of charges but you're doing this yourself.
You'll probably get closed and Hamzer shouldn't go through that in your place in case that happens.
You're not supposed to talk to Graye on rainy days lad. Hurry before it falls.

Im doing this for her. At least Ill pay her back for all the stuff she went through.

Cadoc bends and takes the relic.
Lights start to sparkle around the relic in his hand and the pain piercing him becomes more excruciating.

Cadoc now stands in a void of darkness. Around him are ruins of dark stone and a path.
It's snowing ash and bodies of water around are black ink.
He has the relic in his hand that's now  glowing with bright particles hovering around it.

A woman materializes before him. She's bright with a mountain of straight white glowing hair falling over her. The ink waters soiled her long white robe. Her eyeballs look like a million glassy colours.
She was about two humans tall.

Cadoxton Candela. Lineage offspring of the unholy union. You have some nerve defiling this place with your presence. What do you want?

Her soothing voice echoing through the void, appearing from everywhere at once.

I ask you to restore the sight of a close person.

(Laughs) Stupid Aperture! The person you're trying to save is a human. You're just like your mother. She broke my law because of another race. And here her son does the same!
The Lamarok that tried to wipe you was my pawn. But he failed his assignment.

What do you mean?

Your parents were supposed to be closed for what they did! But they ran away and no one bothered to punish them!
Although humans would leave it, I wouldn't. Lythe was already greedy for what was his, so I just had to encourage him. To punish your parents and wipe the abomination they brought forth!

(Her pitch pierces. Her glassy eyes flash red and she raises her enormous arm)

And you break the same code by loving a human. So you defile my laws again!
Now you're pleading on her behalf!!

The ruins are being swept by her bright hand as they near Cadoc. He's thrown into a wall and he falls with a grunt.

And you dare talk to the goddess on a rainy day!?

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