Dread's sweven

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  Ava is on the telephone. She's looking out the window at the lights as she waits for an answer to the call. Her eyes are teary.
  She casts glances at the doorway every few seconds. Her fingers drum the window frame in her tension. Then the line goes through.
  There's silence, the air is still. Ava's feels her heart throbing against her chest.

Ava? (Pause) Ava?

Cad. Are...are you fine?

I'm...fine Ava. Are you? Mrs Jane isn't being a problem right?

  She sits

(Sits, her hand shakes)
I'm not fine...here. I went to see Papa, and I saw Jane by him. She...she placed a cup down and poured something in his tea.
And she saw me by the doorway.
Then she grabbed me.
She had this look...like she was deranged. Her eyes were unsettling to look at. (Sobs)
She threw me into the room and said she won't let me out. 
She's been doing something to Papa. (Sobs)
I know it but I can't do anything. I'm locked in this room. She burnt the contact book so I wouldn't call anyone. I could only call you because I wrote this line in my diary.
When are you coming back?

Ava...I'll be there very soon. Please hang on. Please.

I called the police, they're not coming.
Cad, she talks to someone. (Pause) Jane talks to someone his voice isn't Papa's.
There are footsteps and sometimes she screams and I hear glasses break. (Sobs)
Please hurry back Cadoc please. Im scared.

(The door knob clicks)

Cadoc...I have to go Cad. She's...

The door swings open and Jane storms into the room. She holds Ava and throws her onto the bed. Then she casts the telephone at the wall and it breaks into pieces.

Her hair is undone. And her eyes aren't normal. She has an evil scowl on her face.
Cadoc bites his fingers in the speeding car. A few other drivers yell at them.

So you think that Lamarok brainwashed the evil lady?

Ava said her eyes were weird which means hes she's seen what Lamaroks see. And shes probably doing what the Lamarok says.

But why don't humans' eyes change when they see what Apertures see?

(The car swings side to side and screeches as Bill narrowly misses a man crossing the road.)

Lamaroks are too powerful. Mrs Jane will probably go blind. Her eyes may be cracking now. And...I fear she's harming Ava and Papa. (Pause) Come on Bill step on it!

I'm already past the speed limits Cadoc.

   After a few tight turns and screeching tyres, the car halts and they are thrown forward. They get down and hurry towards the house. There are policemen and police cars around. A few of them are talking notes on little books.

(Standing in front of the doorway)
Halt there lad. You can't go inside.

Why can't I?

There are dead bodies inside. And  investigations are being conducted right now. You're not allowed.

(The colour drains from his face)
Wh...what do you mean? Which dead bodies?

A young girl and man died. I can't tell you anymore apart from this.

Blood rushes through his head and a wave of dread washes over him. His body runs cold.
He staggers backwards and runs his hands through his hair.

"Jane didn't kill her did she? No! She didn't kill them!"

Cadoc forces his way through into the building.
He looks around and the blood staining the table and the shattered glasses.

    Suddenly, the whole place becomes dark and silent. There's nothing except Ava standing in front if him. She has blood trickling down her chin and her long her is soaked in inky red. She has a nasty cut across her neck and blood snaking from it into her clothes.

Yus Hsnan jfdn almoine ksj. (sobs)  Hi-loahonsnjsn ndjn- ah. (Muffled speech)

No Ava. (he reaches for her and she jerks backwards)

Kjsnns!!! Jssj!!! STAY AWAY!
(She let's out a shriek and covers her ears)
  Cadoc's eyes slowly part. He's in the car with the triplets heading home. Outside is a forest and a few lakes and the calm of the night. It's quite cold too.
He sits upright and sleep departs his senses. Everywhere is calm. Thil is asleep by him and Phil drives the car. Probably he switched places with Bill because he was tired.

You're up huh. We're nearly there.
(Looks at Cadoc through the mirror above him) You don't look too good. You alright?

(Sits up)
I'm...fine. I just had a bad dream.

Was it about that Lamarok and your mother? You still have that dream all the time?

No...it's  different. (Long pause)
You know you shouldn't be looking at me while driving. (Laughs)

Yeah (looks ahead) Watch out for leaping deers (laughs) Yeah.

Can you go a bit faster?

I'm over the speed limit Cadoc, so I can't haha. (Pause) I know you're anxious but. Papa and Ava are okay okay. I asked my father to go check on them. And he said everything was okay.

(Sighs relief)
"Ava's fine. Thank heavens"
Who's driving after you?

You are. (smiles) But we'll be there in about ten so don't worry (laughs).

The car stops and Cadoc steps outside. He crouched to talk to Phil.

See you comrade.

Thanks for everything. I'd thank them too but...they're all asleep. Thank your father too for keeping an eye out.

Sure thing.

   The car drives away and Cadoc checks his watch. It's a little past midnight. The lights in the house are on except Ava's room and the hall.

He opens the door and enters. His heart beating with anxiety weighing down his heart. Mrs Jane was sitting in her usual spot
drinking with the hall smelling like smoke.
   He takes the keys from the table she's sitting by and Jane shoots up.

And what are you here for?

I'm not here for of you.
(He walks away)

"Maybe he'll respect me when I claim this house. Then I'll get rid of him for good". (Laughs)
Next on Grey Ambience.

Do you know Graye can't see colour?
(Ava shakes head)

Why Cad?
(She gently lifts his chin towards her face)
I care about you more than anything else.
Don't you feel the same way as I feel?

Grey Ambience Where stories live. Discover now