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Ava is sitting on the bed hugging a pillow. Outside, the moon bathes the compound in moonlight and the cold air rustles the leaves of the trees.
   Her eyes are teary. The door slowly opens and she thrusts her chin at the direction of the noise.
   Cadoc walks in and smiles.

You're...back. (stands and wraps her arms around him) I thought she'd kill me Cad. (Her voice is very weak)

She didn't touch you did she?
(They sit across the bed) What happened?
(notices a bruise on her cheek) Does it hurt?

It doesn't hurt anyone.
She broke the telephone. Before she could hit me again the police were here. She locked the door and I could hear her say it was a prank call. I don't know,  they just left.
The officials from the Gallery came and she said I was unwell. So I'll have to go there once I get out of here.
But Mr. Hale came to see Papa. And because of that Mrs. Jane didn't come up here again. Hale talked with her for a while and left.

Is Papa alright?

I'm not sure. He's getting worse. Jane has been doing something to him for sure.

I'll go see him. (he stands and Ava holds his arm)

He's asleep. Jane will make a scene when you go down there and wake him. Stay here with me.
(He sits)
I think Papa won't make it Cad. Everytime I think of what Jane has been placing in his tea.

He'll be fine okay. The doctor said he will be.

The doctor works with Jane. He's probably harming him too. I heared Mrs Jane on the telephone with him.
Cad everything's going wrong.

It's okay. I'm here now. It'll be fine. The police will help us.

They can help (Sighs)
Did you find what you were looking for in Hearth? Did you find the man?

I did. I just need to be strong enough to carry out my task and accept the consequences of my actions. (Sighs)

What do you mean consequences?

Do you know Graye can't see colour? (Ava shakes head) She gave Apertures what she had. Because we deserved it. She knew it'll make her loose her strength but, she did it anyway.
I'll be fine (sad smile)

(Ava takes off her necklace)

Remember this? (Cadoc nods) My mother used to tell me it's my heart. When I think about it, heart doesn't belong to me anymore.
(She places it in Cadoc's palm and closes it)
Cadoc...I really care about you. I care about you're than anything in this world.

I...I can't do it Ava. (Lowers head and looks away) I can't have you. I'll be a disappointment.

Why Cad?
(She slowly lifts his chin towards her face)
Don't you feel the same way as I feel?

I do Ava. I can't make you suffer because of me. It's dangerous mixing you with the relic and my runaway life.

What if I don't mind? (Pause) I want to be with you and no one else. Id run away with you.

I want that too but, I've lost a lot of people. I could handle those ones but...I won't if it's with you.

It hurts I can't think of us. As long as I have you I'm fine. (Kisses his hands)
Just don't forget how much I care. If things change we'll be together.

Cadoc pulls her into a hug and Ava's tears wet his chest.

We'll make it out okay. (Ava nods)


Yes Ava?

Is it still weird we sleep in one room? I mean you probably should move out or something.

I don't want to for some reason. Maybe I act childish when I'm around you? You're still my Ava. Like you've always been.
(Ava smiles)
   Amber is sitting on the bed. He's pale and weak. He has dark areas under his eyes and his cheeks sag.
Ava's sobbing by Cadoc and Jane is indifferent to Amber's shallow breathing. He talks in a weak voice with the little energy left in him.

I'm not sure if this is the last time I'll see you. (Coughs)
(Head slowly turns to Ava)
Ava my dear.

Yes Papa (sobs)

I know I've been a terrible father. I didn't listen to your concerns. I always listened to my wife over you. (Sighs) I'm really sorry. Anytime I see you I remember Jaylie. If she were here...you wouldn't have gone through all this. I'm sorry.

(Tears run across his face)

I know Papa. You wanted to please your wife. I understand. (Lowers head) You were trying to save her from leaving you.

(To Cadoc)
Take care of my daughter for me. Right my wrong and be there for her.
I tried to be a good father, so you wouldn't feel too much grief from losing your father.
The relic, all that responsibility. It's tough but you're tougher.

(Turns to Jane)
I tried to do everything for you to understand me. You'd get angry over little things we could sit, talk about and correct.
I know it was my fault sometimes but you always made my offenses worse.

(Cadoc restrains Ava before she hits Jane) You don't deserve to be here! (Crying) You'll pay for all you've done!

I never cared about any of you or have any time for this act! (callously leaves)

She's not the woman I married any longer.
(Sighs) I could do the one thing I wanted to fulfill. I can give you a better future so I don't have to worry about that woman stealing what belongs to me from you. For that I'm glad.

  Ava knelt by Amber and kept crying.

Next on Grey Ambience

We just need evidence against her. I know Lythe is a criminal. We'll let the officials know Jane and Lythe have a connection.

Hmm, I see. So get the police to label her as an accomplice.
There's a cloaked man in the distance staring at her.

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