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Ava stands before one of the many tombstones spread across the lonely grass field. The rose she holds flutters and lands unto the grave and she steps backwards. 
  Cadoc, the triplets and Mr & Mrs Hale are standing behind her. The breeze is warm, and the sun is out.

I guess there's something we'll all remember him with. (Taps Cadoc's shoulder)

That woman (Jane) didn't even bother to come. And she caused this without a doubt. We just don't have the proof so she gets to be punished for it.
(Clenched fists)

   A man walks towards them from the distance. His long brown coat rustle behind him in the wind.

Alentinio? (He stops in front of Cadoc)

  He looks at the gravestone they're at and looks at the sad hovering letters over their heads. (He sees it that way. The letters make him know what happened)

I think I came at the wrong time. (Pause) It seems you don't know me. I'm Alentinio. And I want a word with Cadoc.

Talk to him, we'll head home. (Smiles sadly)

No Ava, you shouldn't stay with that woman alone.

Don't worry, leave that part to us. We'll take care of her. She'll come to no harm. (Cadoc nods)

  They walk away and Cadoc turns to Alentinio. His eyes look different.

Don't worry about my eyes.
(After reading him) I could escape him.

Who? What do you mean?

He payed me a visit...the lamarok. He nearly 'closed' me. He wanted info on where you were and I managed to scramble out of there and lose him.

He won't stop until he's got me and the relic. (Pause) I assume he's on his way here because he didn't find me in Hearth.

That's why I came to you. So you'd prepare to meet him. Don't you think you've been hiding for too long?

I realized that. (Sighs) I thought of a way to end things. (Takes relic from pocket) If this doesn't exist he wouldn't chase me like some predator.
(Alentino tilts head)
Okay, he wants be dead anyway too.

So what will you do? I see a lot of things going on in your head. (Pause) So tell me.

Jane has to pay for her wrong doing first. I don't feel a lot of pain because I didn't know Amber well. But Ava, she lost her mother and father. Now she's suffering a lot more because of that woman.

I understand you. (Pause) What do you want to do with her?

The last time I saw her, she had a sight. (Seen through a Lamarok's eye) Because her eyes were strange and had traces of red in them. And there's only one person who can let her see.

She should go blind in a few months. A lamarok's strain, that too from an elder, is too much for her.
Any ideas?

We just need evidence against her. I know Lythe, or whatever that Lamarok's called, is a criminal. Letting the officials know Jane and Lythe have a connection will cause them to assume she's his accomplice.

Hmm, I see.So get the police to label her as an accomplice. Then what?

She'll tell the truth about Lythe because she won't be loyal. And Lythe will  probably kill her for betraying him. If he doesn't kill her she'll be thrown into jail.
Either ways she's punished.
Now the only problem I have now is finding the evidence about Jane and Lythe's connection.

I'll leave you to it then. Just be cautious. He's very powerful. I felt it that day.
(As he walks away)
All the best.

  He walks away through the other tombstones and the swaying grass. Cadoc looks down to the relic.

Hale's home.

  Ava is by an open window with a watering can in her hands. The water rains unto the huge petals of the flowers springing from the clay vases. Ava looks down at the birds feeding in the garden of the house.
  Among the trees in the distance is a man, Lythe, draped in a black cloak to his feet. His collars extend a little below his ears and his eyes scan Ava.
  The door opens behind her and Ava turns. Mrs. Hale enters....

Done with the flowers dear?

Oh, yes ma'am. You seem to like flowers a lot.

Oh yeah. I used to own a flower shop when I was younger. (Pause) And call me Sarah okay. (Smiles)

(Nods) So what happened to the shop? (Lythe is still staring at her when she looks)

I moved here and I left it with my younger sister. She liked flowers too. (Pause) I married and that's why I moved.

That's nice. I wonder when I'll get married sometimes. (Pause)

That young man seems fine. He talks well. Unlike the brats out there who use those insulting words at even old folks and have no humility. What drew you to him?

Cadoc? He is kind to me. He tries to make me happy.
He went through a lot when he was young.
He's going through a lot now.
I remember my father used to think he should be taken to a therapist for his mental health when he after his trauma when he was young, but he didn't and he was strong enough to fight through it.
But I hate him when he annoys me. But he calms me down after.

I see. Don't worry. The most important thing is to look at his strengths and not his weaknesses. For everyone has some
(Long pause)
You know when I had the flower shop, a man bought a flower from me, and gave it back to me as a gift.

Hmm, Im thinking thats Mr. Hale?

Yes dear. It was really thoughtful of him. And now look at us. (Smiles) He's the reason I moved.

That's...sweet. (smiles) Cadoc hasn't given me a flower yet. (Pause)

Oh I see. You two have something huh. (Raises eyebrow) How come we've heard nothing about it?

It's a long story. And...we're not together.

But you love each other? I remember when you were young. I'd look through the window and see you two walking about everywhere. I didn't think twice about you two.

(Smiles)I wish we were together but...we can't be. (Looks away) There's something keeping us from each other.
With everything happening and what he's going through. Once those things are out of the way...I'll...have him. I'll have my love.

Look at you. (Laughing) You really care about him don't you? Why don't you give him a flower?

Err...haha...that's a little...

Don't be shy Ava. Take any of the ones over there. (Smiles) Now I have to make sure those boys (triplets) aren't playing ice hockey in the hall. They smashed the radio last time.
(Ava nods smiling)

   Sarah closes the door behind her and walks to the window. The wind lifts her hair as she looks at the flowers.

"I can't tell what colour he'll like since I can't see them"
(Looks down at where Lythe stood. He's not there)
He's...not there anymore.
Next on Grey Ambience

"Will you come Cad? Maybe you won't place the blanket over me and close the windows. I won't get to see your face against the pillow. (Sighs)
It's hard to imagine my life without you sometimes".
(takes the flower he kept for Cadoc and holds it out to him) I got this for you.

Grey Ambience Where stories live. Discover now