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Bill is relaxing on the couch as the glare from the monochrome TV hits his face. His eyes are heavy with boredom.
Then he suddenly lurchs forward at the screen.

No way...Hey! Phil!! Thil!!! Cadoc!! Come look!!
(Stands as the the others rush in)

Are we on TV for winning the ice hockey game?

(On the tv)
Yet another death in the Amber residence which follows the ones of Jaylie Amber and Mr. Amber himself.
Behind me, investigations are being conducted to ascertain the circumstances that lead to the murder of Mrs.Jane Amber. Other reports....

This is a little too much for Ava. She's lost Jaylie and Amber, and she's going to be questioned again for this one.
She was really stressed from the Art gallery she's running too.

Looks like I have to get there before police and reporters flood here. (Walking away)

Amber residence.
There are men in uniform walking in and out of the building and yellow "do not cross" lines spread across the compound.
Cadoc shakes the Officer and Cynthiana. They are standing by a blue and white police van.

She had bruises on her neck and her eyes were cracked. It means a Lamarok murdered her. And Lythe is first on the suspects. Other Lamarok criminals are not too connected.
People around you are dying Candela. Some protection from the Mayor will help.

Protect Ava and Mr. Hale and his family. I'll be fine on my own.

I thought all the noble men in this country died in the world war or something. (Laughing) Some slipped through I see.

I won't call it noble. I'm the one who's placing everyone around me in danger.
There's an event at the art gallery that your men could secure.

Don't worry.

Thanks very much for your help.

(Looking at him walk)
He looks cool on the outside but there's a torrent of troubles he's swimming against. Like Alentinio.

If he looks like Zhaki, then I don't like him a lot.

Art gallery.
There's calming music in the air. Ava is with a few people sipping her drink. She would look around a little for Cadoc once in a while. He's late.
There are police men in arms around.
She has long gloves to her elbow and a dress with flowers in her hair.

(From behind her, Ava turns)
There's a woman who wants some of your work.

I'll talk to them later. (Smiles) Have you seen Cadoc around?

Haven't seen him.
(Notices the stress on her face)
You can move about and relax a bit. I'll call you if the surveyor arrives.
I'll handle the rest.

(Sighs relief) I thought you'd never ask. Thanks a lot.
"Now I have to find that Cadoc".

  Cadoc enters the building. He looks around and walks through the people and sees a woman waving at him.

"That's the lady that winked at me in Hearth."
(The woman walks to him. She's having a purple gown and a few golden bracelets)

Err...how did you get here?

I came with Alentinio. He said he was trying to help you with some crazy lamarok.
Call me Matilda. (Shakes hand)
Your palms are really soft for a man huh handsome.

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