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Ava and Cadoc walk toward home after a long day in town. The crisp soil crunchs under their feet and the wind carries a few flying leaves.
It's cold and it probably is about to rain yet again.
There were people walking around in carts and horses snorting. A few cars here and there. Many men carrying logs and cakes and bread on trays and children playing hide and seek.

So what's the one you like?
(She holds out a few photos to him)
We had so many shots today so...it'll be a little difficult to choose.

I...I'm not sure. Oh this one.
(A monochrome flower)
It's alright.

Hmm...you see a lot more than I do right? Grant me your eyes for a minute. (Laughs) But is it nice...like in how you see it?

Yeah...it's really nice...pretty. It's colourful. I can see...like four colours.

What's "kalorful". Is it what you see? What's "kalor"?

Only Apertures understand that word. I don't know how to describe it. It's err...some...err thing that's around objects. There's Red, Blue, most Aperture ladies like Pink. It's...a mystery why they do.

"Blu" and what is the other again?

Red. There are a lot...wish I could show you.

Hmm...so Apertures have a different language...because of what they see?

Something like that. You're...really curious. (Ava nods vigorously)
But...you never take pictures of humans. You only take flowers and buildings...and little of the deer that leap about here.

I don't know...but it's just a feeling I have about taking photos of humans. It's not my style.

I guess so. You talked in your sleep yesterday. (Ava freezes and stops moving)

What...did I say? (Cadoc gently pulls her by her arm and they keep walking)

Nothing...I tried to figure out but it was vague. Only word I heard was "gallery".

(a little embarrassed)
Oh...gallery. I want to have an art gallery when I grow up. Like a big place were people will see my photos and smile at them...and all.
It's a little dream I have. Maybe that's why it came up in my head when I slept. You have a dream?

Little dreams? I wish I could see how you all see things.
Like...how non-apertures see things. And I wish I could know why my father abandoned me and my mother.

I...get what you mean. You'll...find all that out okay. (rubs his back) We have to hurry. We have dinner with Mr. Hale

Hale?...I don't seem to recall.

He's the triplets' dad. Mr. Hale Gaman. (Pause) Isn't that a weird name? "Hale". He's an old friend of dad.

Yeah...a little weird haha.

The two families are around the table. Plates and glasses and flowers and little lamps are around. Cadoc and the other boys and Ava are quiet as the grown ups talk.

A little while through their stay, Amber coughs terribly. He drinks some water and sighs. Concerned eyes look at him as he places down the glass.

Hey,...I'm okay. Just getting older. (Laughs)
(Coughs a little more)

Maybe you should see a physician Amber.

I talked to a one. He gave me a few drugs to take care of it. So let no one worry about my health okay. It'll take a little long for me to recover.
(Changes topic)
So Ava is done with photography school!
Tell them Ava. (Laughs)

Oh...err yes I guess.

I see. Few girls nowadays have goals. It's good you're trying to find a purpose.
(Ava nods)

Yes ma'am, thank you.
(Smiles slightly, they continue having their dinner)

A feeling of fear suddenly washes over Cadoc. He has an uneasy feeling that someone is watching him.

There outside the window 'the man' slowly walks and stops to look back at Cadoc. When their eyes meet, the world glitches grey then normal again and Cadoc grunts a little. Ava notices.

(Under her breath) What's wrong Cadoc? What are you looking at?

(turns to Ava. his heart races)
It's...nothing. I'm just a little...tired.

Are you sure? You look like you saw a ghost or something.

It's just my old thoughts coming to me. (Sighs deeply) I'm alright.
"That man can't find me yet. I haven't touched the relic so...he shouldn't be able to be here. It's probably not real". (Sighs)

(He turns to the window. The man is still staring at him.
Cadoc looks away from what is just a hallucination.)
Next on Grey Ambience

"It's just a dream. (Sighs) Just a dream."

It's been three(3) years past. He's older now. Half of his hair falls into his eyes and he has only trousers on.
Maybe I only act like that when I'm with my favorite person? That's you Cad?

(They gaze at each ...time is frozen...)

Grey Ambience Where stories live. Discover now