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There's a little car down the road of the city. A lot of other more complex automobiles in the slow traffic. Tall buildings of different styles and a lot of people walking about. A few trees here and there.
  Bill steps on the breaks as a drunk man walks casually through the road.

What's wrong with these people?
(Following the drunk with his eyes)

(Reading from a magazine he holds)
"Hearth has replaced its values and morality with 'modernity'. It's been cast into a torrent of brazen and immoral waves." Hmm, I see.

It's probably a critic's work. Here sure is strange.

They stop by a building and Cadoc steps out of the car. He motions at them to wait for him there and he enters the bar.

The music is so loud, his ears feel like theyd burst. His eyes adjusts to the flashing lights. There are people dancing...mostly drunk. A few people are seated and talking.

There's a man by the door. He follows Cadoc to a table and when Cadoc sits he joins him.  He opens a bottle on the table.

Haven't seen someone like you here before. You must be a visitor? Here to take a few drinks huh?

I didn't come for a drink. I'm looking for someone. Can you help me?

Who in Hearth doesn't come here for a drink? Oh...you must have come for... (motions to a group of ladies around a table. They wave at Cadoc and one winks at him)

Not really. I'm looking for a man called Alentinio.

I know you. (Squints eyes) And you know me. Of course that was when you were a little kid.

Err...youre Alentinio? (He nods) I didn't expect to find you so easily.

I wasn't expecting to see you alive.
(Cadoc looks confused) So it's you huh. After all these years. Sorry for your parents..and what happened.

But how do you know so much about me? (Alentinio leans in and his eyes flash red. Cadoc lurchs backwards)

(laughs) Look at your face. Is it that scary for you guys to look at Lamaroks? (Laughs)

You could have told me without...making my eyes hurt. (Sighs) So you know everything about me I guess.

Yeah. I do. Your mother probably asked you to come to me because I knew your father. What do you want to know though?

Who's the man who killed my parents? Can you read him if you meet him?

That Lamarok is higher class so...even if I'd look into his eyes to try and read him, I'll go blind.
And Lamaroks can't read fellow Lamaroks. So that's out of it.
All I know is he's the last of his class.

Alright (sighs) Just explain everything to me. The relic, him...all that.

You see, that relic is given to an Aperture family to keep. Then they'd pass on through their generations. And your family had it.
You mother had it. And she had to pass it on to you.

So...if it was a hierarchy thing, why do other Apertures want the relic. I mean it's not in their line right?

Yes very true. But, your mother broke the law of the Aperture hierarchy system. She was supposed to marry an Aperture. But she married your father, a Lamarok.

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