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Next day
Hamzer's office

You don't plan on killing the young lad do you?

Lythe (the Lamarok after Cadoc) is standing in front of him. He has a dark long coat to his feet and raised collars.

I killed his father. Then his mother. Now he's next. My eyes will easily "close" a half breed. (Pause) I felt him...he touched the relic.

(Trembling voice)
But...why don't you just take the relic and let him live? I mean he's...

  Lythe grabs Hamzer by the collar and yanks him near. His eyeballs light fiery red and Hamzer feels his eyes are cracking.

I'm not some little boy for you to order about! That boy shouldn't exist. He's an abomination!

(He shoves Hamzer and he falls from his chair to the ground.)

(Looking up at Lythe from the floor)
You're...a Lamarok?

Good you know. (Smirks) I'll do what I have to do myself. I'll clear that forbidden seed and have the relic. I don't need you anymore.

Amber's home.

Ava looks through the window as Cadoc and the triplets enter the little car. Cadoc looks back at her. Then the car slowly moves till it disappears behind the trees.

(From behind)
Oh...sorry. (laughs)
I hope whoever who's after him kills that rat! Or...maybe I'll will do it myself. If I had a gun. (Laughs)
He's not here to help you with your chores again! I'm going to get something outside so get the work done before I'm back.

You've never called him by his name ever. You call him 'rat'. Why do you hate him so much?

You know something? You won't like someone who takes away your just a day. That's how it feels!
Don't make me get angry or I'll...

That's all you know how to do. Threaten.
I work because of Papa. Not because you tell me to.
And this house doesn't belong to you. It belongs to my mom.
(Jane watches her exit)

"Your mother is long gone. What she left will be mine...very soon. I just have to keep lacing tea with a little..."love".
   Jane got closes the door behind her and crosses the road. She walks down a quiet alley. There are dumps in the corners and hanging lines above with clothes on them.

To escape the revolting stench hanging in the air, she walks faster. Suddenly a man crosses her path.

   She looks up at the man who points the revolver at her side.

Wha...what do you want from me?

Not another word. (Jane nods)
You are Jane.

How...d..did you know who I am?

I know everything about everyone. (Smirks)
I know you can help me get something I really want. Now...I want that person you call "rat". His relic.

How much more do you know about me?

I know you only married your husband because you want to have his money. I know you're killing him slowly. I know you hate your daughter. I know you had a miscarriage and lost a baby boy. I know you have an affair with another man. I know you hate the "rat". I know the reason you hate him is because he'll inherit your husband's belongings and ruin all your plans.
I know you hate seeing him and your daughter being together.
I wish you could get rid of him. (Smirks)

No... (walking backwards slowly) How do you know all this? You're a can't be alive. You're not real.

I'm not real? Let you just a little bit of how the world looks. Let your eyes.

  His eyes light red and Jane staggers backwards. She's shaking and pointing at things. The whole world glitches into black and red. The people walking around are transparent and red letters and symbols are hovering around them.
  Then it all pales into grey again. She falls down panting and breathless.

(Looking down at her)
You're the first person to see what I see. The pain is there because you're only a Human.

Those... (panting) those letters around people is what makes you read their minds. (Pause)

Yes...I read everyone. I know you despise that rat. If you help me find him and get the relic, then I'll give you the eye of a Lamarok.
And...since we'll get rid of him, your stumbling block will be removed. Then you'll have everything.

(now bleeding through nose)
Yes! If it'll make sure I never see his face again. I will help you. You get your relic, I get what I planned for.
(Smiles with malice)

Where is he now?

He..went to Hearth.

Hearth, the brazen city? (Jane nods) What reason did he give? Tell me the truth, or my eyes will tell me if you're liar.

He had to find...answers. I don't know the whole detail. That's...what he said. will you help me with what I want.

I'll do what you wish for very soon. (Smirks) Let this be between us two. Let no other soul hear of this. If you lie, I'll know.
Now go back to your house. That man you've been visiting won't do you any good.

Can I ask one's about the relic.
(Lythe nods)
What will you do with it once you have it?
Why do you need me. Since you can get him yourself?

That's not your concern.
(He walks into the darkness)
Next on Grey Ambience

You see, that relic is given to an Aperture family to keep. Then they'd pass on through their generations. And your family had it.
You mother had it. And she had to pass it to you.

(Sighs) I understand.
So that Lamarok wants me dead because I'm an unnatural breed? Because I'm half human half Aperture?

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