Shattered Eyes

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{Dark mode}

The windows shatters and the man holding the lantern leaps into the house. Everything is dark except the broken candles on the floor. He walks around. His shoes din and his hands point the revolver around.

(Hes the same man who murdered at the start of the drama)

Cadoc and his mother are behind a few boxes stacked in some corner. Everything is still. The rain has become worse and light keep flashing.

It's a decent place to hide I must say.
(His voice coarse) In the middle of some forest? A long way from the town. The world flashed grey before my eyes and I knew...I From here.

(He stops)

Someone touched it huh?! All I need is his relic! And nothing more! Maybe your lives too for what he did. He started all this!

(whispering to Cadoc)
Take this.
(She places the relic in his hand. It's been placed in a small glass box)
Keep this thing safe. Don't ever loose it. Wait for me at Hē-arth. You'll find a man called Alentinio. Get to him.
(Cadoc nods)

(lighting flashes. The man finally knows where theyre hiding after their shadows cast.)

Hmm, Sacrifice.
Didn't think that thing existed.
(walks slowly towards the boxes)
Think about it Emily! You can have all you lost back. You and your son don't have to live in fear and hiding anymore.

The man pushes the boxes and grabs Emily by her collar and pulls her close. He stares down into her eyes and she starts to struggle and gasp for air. She thrashes voilently as she tries to escape his firm hand.

The man's eyes flicker red and Emily's eyes crack into falling pieces. Her body finds no strength to fight anymore.

She turns limp and the man hurls her body to the ground and points the revolver at her. His lips twist into an evil smirk.


Her body is still. Her lifeless blank eyes stare above into nothingness and her face is etched in terror.

Cadoc's knees shake and tears fall to the ground as he looks at the blood slowly forming a pool around her.
The man shoots at him and misses. With his heart racing, Cadoc runs out into the rain and trees as bullets fly by him.

{Please change to light mode for better imagery}
1:29 pm

Cadoc's eyes slowly part. He shields his eyes from the bright sun with his arms as he sits up on the soft bed under him.

He's in a white painted room. There are tall opened windows. Velvet curtains shuffle in the breeze and the sun fills the room.
On the walls are a picture frames. A man, a little girl, and a woman. Then he hears a voice.

A man is looking outside the window with a telephone attached to his ear. His fingers play around the cord and his tone is angry.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T CARE!? He's here...probably in a coma and you're...
(He's inturrupted and stops for a while)
The hospital is full Jane!

You know...I don't know what's up with you anymore!

We're keeping him. I'm not listening to you this time! The lawyer was here. He did everything now he's mine!
(He stamps the telephone down and turns to Cadoc. He looks at the boy's black hair and at the two grey eyes that look back at him)

He is the same man in the picture frame. Just little older. In his late 40s

Who are you? (Weak, low voice)

I'm Anber. Don't worry lad you're in my house. Hospital's full. And no one's come for you. So you'll be here for now.
Found you passed out. Deep in the forest when I was logging. What happened to you?
(Takes a jar from the table by the bed)

I...I can't tell you why. (Man pours water into a glass and hands it to him) Just...strayed to far. (He sips)

Okay son. There's something you should know okay. Old people can see right through a lie. (Leans in)
So tell me what happened.
Rain was beating down. Your trail in the mud led to a blazing house.

He...burnt her...the (Tears well up and his voice cracks)

Who's her?...I'm sorry but. Was there someone in the burning house?

My mother...she's...dead. (He suddenly starts looking around)
Where is this place? What's this town called!?

Lanche. Why do you ask?

I'm...not suppose to be here. I have to go to to Hē-arth. Or the he will come for me! He'll kill me like he killed my mom! (Panting)

Hey...calm down okay. (Holds him) The police will be here to ask you a few questions okay. Then we'll see what we'll do.

Cadoc was still, sipping the water and staring at the edge of the bed, whispering things to himself and shaking.

3:56 pm
Amber is on the telephone near the window again. Cadoc slouchs against the window. He looks down at the people moving around minding their business.
The children chase each other around in their oversized sweaters. Some men are unloading a small truck. Passing the crates till it reaches the last man.

AMBER officer. You should come. He's having a hard time so do something about it.
No...wait. What do you mean you have priorities? There's a 16 year old kid waiting for you. HE JUST SAW HIS MOTHER DIE!!! Isn't there urgency in that!?

He keeps listening for a while and hangs the telephone on the wall.

(still looking outside) My mother told me never to trust the police. So...I guess that's what I should do?

(Sighs deeply)
For now...we can't let them help us.
Why don't you go for a walk a little. Just to look around.

(Cadoc stands and turns to him)

Thank you sire. For everything.

He places his hands in his pockets. Amber's eyes follow him as he exits.

"That lad...his eyes are so weird. And that thing he keeps. (The relic) Is that the Aperture hierarchy relic? I don't think there are a lot of Apertures existing too.

Next on Grey Ambience

"As he kept walking a three boys were looking at him from a distance. They waved at him to come over. And Cadoc stopped in front of them. They looked exactly the same.

"Cadoc...(sighs) Be strong brother. For the evil lady is coming. Our deepest condolences."

Grey Ambience Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant