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{Dark mode}

Street lamps glow along the paths in the cold night.
Bright headlights approach and stop in front of the house. The engine of the car dies, the lights dim and a door opens.

Mr Amber leans against the doorpost looking at his wife on the chair. She takes out her cigarettes and lights one. Her legs are crossed on the table.
She's a fine woman, she has brown hair and a long white gown.

Long trip I see. How is Ava?

Go ask her yourself. (Indifferent) Oh...she's your daughter, not mine. It's not my problem if you can't talk with your own daughter is it?

(Jane spots a few papers by the glasses of beer crowded on the table and reaches for them)
Wait...wait right there what's all this?
(reads paper) Adoption?...Acts...
(the paper has signatures on them)

They're for...Cadoc.
(He walks over and takes the sheets from her)

That rat? You know I don't like them. You know I hate...children! (Stands)

You'll have to live with him now. Whether you like it or not. You'll do nothing to him. He'll stay here.
Won't you allow this one thing I want to have!? You know how he ended up here.

I DON'T CARE! I don't care about where he's from or who he is or whether his mother died or...well whatever fake stories poor people say to have favor!
Go place him in some orphanage home or something. They'll take care of him.

(Sighs) Well...then you'll have to leave if you can't stay here with him. He's staying here. That's it. I'll hear nothing more from you!

Alright...I get it. Do what whatever you want. Go get all the children in the streets and bring them here. Then you'll have a big family huh.
(Walks outside puffing her cigarette)
Ava lands in the bed with a deep sigh and looks up the ceiling. Her black hair spread in a circle around her face as her eyes look around. The place looks so new since its been long.
She spots the relic on the window pane and sits up. There's something...strange about it.
It's twisted wood with tiny letters engraved in them and an eye etched in it.

A million whispers urging her to take it. Before her hands would touch, cold hands grab her wrist.

Please don't touch that.
(He keeps the relic in his pocket and looks back at her with his casual dull face) I couldn't remember where I had placed it.

Sorry...I was just a little curious.
(Her eyes are still at where Cadoc placed the relic)
Um, is that yours? (Surprised and a little uneasy)


I'm...Ava. You're Cadoc right? I heard what happened. (Sorry) But...hope you enjoy your stay.
I take pictures of stuff. My camera's in the car trunk. I'll show you my pictures later.

(shouts angrily from downstairs)
AVA!!! Where on Arthur's land are you!? Get down here now!

(To Cadoc) Ugh I don't even get to rest a little?
She's probably (she makes her fingers into a bottle and acts a drink) drunk.
So...I'll get going before she burns down the house. (Sighs)

She hurries downs with her hair flying. Mrs Jane shouts a little more at her.

Skies are clear and sun is bright. Cadoc is off with the triplets.

He was getting to know them more. And he found them really interesting. He was getting comfortable with the new people he was meeting. He wasn't too lonely like he was when he was with his mother.

The triplets had blue hockey suits on.
Thil was made to carry the long bag.

How long does your training take? If it's not too long can I wait till your done?

Of course you can wait. It'll take 45 minutes max. You can sit there and watch us play. Or we can teach you how to skate.

Sure thing. Just that you'll laugh at me a lot for falling a million times. (Smiles sightly)

Do you like it here? If we can do something to make you like here more interesting we will try. (Smiles)

Oh...it's okay. It's okay you're alright...I don't have a problem. (Sad smile)
"I won't be too lonely with these boys."

You'll be fine Cadoc. You have us now...and Amber is a good man. (Rubs his back)
Next on Grey Ambience

What do you mean by "we"?
(She draws in a breath and freezes in surprise)
You are...an Aperture? I knew it...those weird eyes...and that relic. It had something shiny around it. I thought you were...all dead.
The emperor killed all of your kind right?"

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