The Relic

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{Dark mode}

Mr.Amber has always wanted a son.
He couldn't adopt one from a children's home because his wife, Jane, didn't want any children.
He had to let go of his little dream of having someone to take over his inheritance when he was dead.
He didn't trust Jane with his possessions, because he knew she wouldn't take care of Ava. So when Cadoc was orphaned, he made arrangements to make him his own. Now he had an heir and he would rest with no worries.

Now, about 5 weeks after, Cadoc has grown accustomed to the new place he's in. He can find his way to the little local market, to the bookkeeper,and most others.

He was getting along with everyone...well everyone but Jane. She had begun to despise him. It had been growing inside her.

Ava is cross sitted on her bed. There are candles lit around and the places the light doeant reach are dark. The rain falls outside. She pauses and then turns to Cadoc who is slouching against the window.

Don't you feel weird being in the same room with me?

Is it...weird? Does it make you uncomfortable? If it does, I can sleep somewhere else.

AVA's fine. It's just because you've been a little isolated so you don't know...a lot of things about the world.
It's good you're was lonely when I stayed her alone. Look at how big this room is. Now it's a lot smaller.

CADOC's think so. Is it weird to be in one room with a girl?

It's a little weird. Since we're not related and all. (Pause) You never told me about why you were isolated. All you said was that you were hiding from someone. You haven't told me about your dad and mum.
If it's okay with you, you can tell me about them.

(After a moment of thought) Well I can't tell you everything. My mum and I hid from some people...they want something my dad had. It's some relic from ages ago.

(Sits up) They wanted to steal it? Is it that wooden thing you kept away in the little glass box? Dad said something along those lines about it.

Yes. I'm not supposed to go into detail. It's a family secret.

I won't tell a soul. You have my word.
(She walks over to him and sits beside him.) You can tell me now.

Err...okay. The relic is supposed to err...prove to humanity the things they can't see. I don't know how to explain it. But...have you heard of the story of the Aperture and Lamarok?

Those species that claimed they had higher abilities that our species? (Pause) Bunch of egoistic people I think.

They weren't...egoistic. They actually had something that made them superior...well special I mean. 
We apertures got it as a gift from Graye. Lamaroks were born with it.

What do you mean by "we"?
(She draws in a breath and freezes in surprise)
You Aperture? I knew it...those weird eyes...and that relic. It had something shiny around it. I thought you were...all dead.
The emperor killed all of your kind right?

There are many of us...still living.
(Holds Ava by her arms)
You should promise me you'll never tell anyone okay. My mother always told me not to trust your kind...but I've told you already.
So please keep it a secret.
(Ava nods and he let's go)

So...that relic will make me see what you see? (Cadoc nods) Oh let me see! Just for a second!

You...can't. Sorry.
(The excitement drains from Ava's face) Because...if you touch it. Somehow...I don't know how, but other Apertures and some Lamaroks will know where I am. If they find me here...they'll probably kill me and take the relic.

Oh...that's why you don't let us touch it. (Sighs) hid from those people who want the relic? With your mum? What would they do with the relic anyway?

They can't have the relic because, what Graye granted to us was meant for us only and no other humans.
That's why you're allowed to see what we see for a little while. But if other Apertures get the relic, they'll want to be the...hero of how the Emperor wanted to be. And they'll be more powerful.
They'll make it possible for all humans to "see" indefinitely. But that'll be against Graye's will.

What if Graye changes her mind about humans? And...makes all of us "see". That'll...make the other Apertures stop trying to find you right?

Yeah...the relic will be useless then. But I don't think Graye will change. I don't know...she's a little different from the other gods so we can't read her well.

(Long pause)

I...don't know why all this had to happen to you. I your dad and mum.
And your childhood taken from you because of greedy humans trying to get you and all that. It must be hard for you. Harder than what I go through with Mrs Jane.

Oh...sorry too. Can I ask something?
(Ava nods)
I saw a picture of Mr. Amber and you and another woman...who has your skin colour. Where is she?

She's gone. Like dead. (Sighs) She was my mother. She err...married my dad and they had me.
She had health problems a few months after. Physicians couldn't treat her and she didn't make it. (Looks away) Then my dad married this...Jane woman.

Sorry. What was your mothers name?

Jaylie Amber. Sometimes I miss her...I cry because I hate Mrs Jane. If she would was in place of Jane I'd have a little more happiness in my life. (She takes off her necklace)
This was the last thing she gave me. She said it was my heart.

It'll keep her in memory. Sorry Ava. What exactly does Mrs Jane do you? Does she hit you?

Sometimes she does...she always shouts at me. She just doesn't like me because I have dark skin.
Ava do this, Ava do that. And my dad can't tell her to stop. And who am I to tell her how I feel about the way I'm treated?
I feel like...I'm a slave girl in this house. A bird in a cage. (Sighs) I can't talk to anyone about what I go through so it eats me up inside.
WAIT! Oh I forgot! (Cadoc is startled)

Err...forgot what?

My pictures. And my albums. Okay Cadoc, Mrs Jane won't be at home tomorrow. It's Friday and she won't miss the bar. She'll do nothing and roam the town.
We can go out!
I'll bring my camera along and you'll see how I take my pictures!

Oh...that'll be okay. I haven't walked around the town anyways. So yeah.

Okay! Yay! (She stands) I'm going to rest now. You sit here and um...look out the window like you always do. (Jokingly)

Cadoc watches her pull the blanket over herself. She closes her eyes and sleep takes her away.
She is pretty. The shadows of the candles plays over her the parts of her face that isn't covered with her plentiful hair.
Next on Grey Ambience

You talked in your sleep yesterday.
(Ava freezes and stops moving)"
"There outside the window 'the man' slowly walks and stops to look back at Cadoc.
When their eyes meet, the world glitches grey then normal again and Cadoc grunts a little. Ava notices."

Grey Ambience Where stories live. Discover now