Showered by Grace

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The sun wasn't even shining yet, but Jake was already awake. Last night had been so perfect, he thought it was all a dream, but when he woke up and felt Beth snuggled up close to him, he held her closer and just watched her sleep, ever so grateful it was all real. He turned on the bedside lamp on his side of the bed and it dimly lit the room, casting enough light for him to see her. He looked at his love's beautiful face. His love, he repeated to himself; that was the only way he can describe her. He loved everything about her face: her long lashes that fanned over the top of her cheeks, her nose that had a little bump on the tip of it, the small beauty mark on the bottom of her left cheek, her full lips that were slightly parted signifying she was in deep slumber. He caressed her arm softly, barely touching her, not wanting to wake her up. He wanted to cherish this moment by himself, to revel at this gift in his arms at the moment. He rested his cheek on the top of her hair, inhaled her scent, and pulled up the comforter tighter around them.

He reached for his cell phone and looked at the time: 5:30 am. They were due to check out at 10 am and catch their 1 pm flight back to Manila. He wanted to stop time; he wasn't ready to go home just yet, especially not after the wonderful evening he spent with Beth. He clicked on the camera app and took a picture of Beth's face; he wanted to capture this moment. He hadn't silenced his phone so the camera made a shutter sound, causing Beth to stir. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she looked around, for a second forgetting she wasn't alone.



"How long have you been awake?" she asked while scratching some sleep from her eye, reminiscent of a little kid.

"Not long," he stretched the truth.

"It's still early, go back to sleep," she yawned and moved to turn over so that her back was facing him. He stopped her from moving away.

"Don't move. Stay here. I just want you in my arms," he whispered to her. She just nodded, placed her arms in front of her where they were sandwiched between her and him, and drew her knees up almost in a fetal position. He reached to turn off the light and put his phone back on the table, silencing it this time, and once again drew her closer to him.

He started kissing her hair, moving her long mane from where it fell over her shoulder to her back, exposing her neck. He couldn't stop kissing her at this point and started kissing the spot below her ear, gently suckling on the skin there, but mindful not to leave a mark. He heard a low moan from her and felt her move her arms from in front of her to scoop under his armpits and embraced him to her. He moved his lips to slant over her lips and together they shared a kiss so sensual, it immediately awakened the

excitement within them.

He rolled over so that she was now on top of him, her legs on either side of his waist. She started kissing his chin, his scruff scratching her, but that only served to ignite the spark even more. She crawled down a little so that she was kissing his broad chest when he forced himself to talk.

"Love, are you feeling up for this?" he pulled her back up and rolled them over so that he was now on top.

"I'm a little sore, so go slow and please be gentle. I want you," she replied honestly but a little naughtily. He was taken aback by her candidness and forwardness.

He gave her a smirk and dragged his lips all over her body, kissing everything in its wake, his tongue laving everything in its path, making sure she was ready for him. He moved her hands over her head, weaving his fingers between hers and grasping it tightly. He looked deeply into her eyes, seeing her soul through its window.

"You are so beautiful, Love. You are the most beautiful girl in the world," he said before once again joining his body with hers, sharing in the good morning bliss.

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