The Man and The Woman

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Beth decided to make good use of the few hours she had before dinner to walk along the beach and enjoy being a bum. She hasn't had a day off for as long as she can remember. She's been working nonstop that she feels like she is a lot older than her age. She is only 24, but she feels like she is an old lady. She doesn't know what it feels like to be young and carefree. So she made a vow to herself. She will walk and talk and act like a 24 year old she has only seen in movies or on TV. Someone irresistible. Someone sexy. Someone drop dead gorgeous. Someone Megan Fox would portray. Haha! She laughed at herself. Reese Witherspoon was more her speed. The girl next door. Yes. That's her goal for the week. She's going to be charming, quirky, playful, and cute all rolled into one.

She rolled up her jeans and started walking along the shore, letting the water break along her ankles. It did feel good to spend her hard earned money on herself. Don't get her wrong, she loves her family dearly. It's just that along the way, she has forgotten to love herself. Always putting herself on the back burner. That's why she didn't understand why Alex fell for her in the first place. She saw herself as boring. Manang. Losyang. But Alex reminded her that she was never any of those things. Someone just needed to push her to bring the fun-loving side out of her. To bring her out of her shell. Alex reminded her how to have fun without losing sight of her responsibilities. Alex gave her a rock to lean on, so she didn't have to lean only on herself all the time. Being with him was like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. That's why it was such a big blow when she lost him.

"I wish you were still here, hon. I miss you so much," she whispered to the wind as she stared at the descending sun on the horizon. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear a man shouting at her.

"Heads up!!!"

But it was too late. The football hit her square on the back of the head, knocking her into the water. The man immediately picked her up and carried her a safe distance from the shore and gently sat her on the sand.

"Miss, are you okay? I am so sorry! I guess I misjudged my own strength. With guns like these..." he flexed and kissed both biceps, trying to make light of the situation.

Beth just stared at him dumbfounded. She didn't know if she was just hit on the head too hard or if she was just mesmerized by the man's dashing good looks, but she was rendered speechless. She just stared at him dumbly with her lips slightly parted. She has not seen a man so handsome since Alex.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" the man asked holding two fingers up in front of her face.

"Two," Beth finally spoke up. She reminded herself to be charming, part of her new vacation persona. Staring like a lovesick schoolgirl was not the definition of ladylike charm.

"Aaaah, she speaks. I was getting a little worried for a while there. I'm Jake. Can I buy you a drink? Iced tea or something a little stronger?"

"Iced tea sounds good. Or maybe make it a long island?"Good grief, was she flirting? It felt weird, but a good weird. It was so liberating! Who cares, the resort was huge with lots of vacationers. She was probably never going to see this handsome stranger again. "I'm afraid I'm not dressed for somewhere fancy though," she continued staring at her soaking wet jeans.

"No worries, my friends and I rented a cabana. We can just order from there. I also have a towel there so you can dry off. I wish I can offer you more, but it's the best I can do with limited resources," Jake flashed his million dollar smile at her. He stared at the flustered woman in front of him. She was beautiful, no doubt, but in a quiet and understated way. In a sea of bikini clad women, she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, like someone forgot to tell her where she was. Her long hair was tied up in a loose braid and she had not a stitch of make up on, but the sun had done its magic and tinged her cheeks a rosy color already. He was used to women going gaga over him, but she was different. It was like she was a little girl trying on mommy's too big pair of heels for fun: she was trying to go toe to toe with him in the flirting department. She was doing a pretty good job. He was enjoying bantering with her!

He ordered her long island iced tea and offered her his towel as soon as they reached his cabana.

"So Ms. Beautiful, I don't believe I caught your name. I don't mind going by Ms. Beautiful if you don't."

Beth's already rosy cheeks turned an even redder color, but she continued with her role playing. "I guess you've heard that flattery will get you everywhere, but I prefer Beth."

"Beth. What a perfect name for someone as sweet and gentle as you are. Anyway, you were so lost in your thoughts back there. Anyone in particular? Anyone I should be worried about that might get mad?"

"Huh? Oh, no. No. Just enjoyed the view a little too much, I guess, "she laughed. "I haven't been here before so I was trying to take it all in. Including a football to the head." She rubbed the back of her head where the ball hit her.

Jake winced with her when she did. He grabbed a bottled water from the cooler and placed it on her head. "That should alleviate some of the pain. So. A first timer, huh? What brings you here?"

"My best friend. It was a special request, and I just couldn't say no. It's beautiful here. I definitely don't regret making the trip."

"Well, Beth, I would love to show you around. I have something tonight, but perhaps, dinner tomorrow?" Again he smiled at her.

Ang bilis! Beth thought. Di ko na to kaya! Game's Over. She finished her long island and stood up from her seat. "Actually, I didn't come here to go on dates with men. And I'm sure you don't go out of your way to pick up women like me. It was nice meeting you, but let's just leave it at that. A chance meeting. Thank you for the drink. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Goodbye, Jake."

And with that she turned on her heel and walked back to the hotel's direction leaving a stunned Jake looking at her retreating back. This time he was the one left dumbfounded. He scratched his head. "What just happened?"

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