Life Is Just A Series of Tests

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Beth took this opportunity to reset their relationship, to finally move slowly. They have been moving way too fast and got sucked into the vortex. This time, she wanted to not lose her independence. She felt like she was relying too much on Jake. She loved him, but she was afraid of the feeling. Love wasn't supposed to be scary; it was supposed to make you feel alive and fearless, like you can take on the world knowing someone was behind you every step of the way. She would still spend the weekends with him, but this time she didn't stay over. He would pick her up and take her home as soon as their date or day was over.

Jake couldn't say that he liked their arrangement, but he went along with it. He doesn't want to push her away knowing that she still had some lingering resentment from what he did. He missed her so much! Not just physically, but he felt like he was trying to climb a very high brick wall emotionally. But he was willing to do it all, that's how much he didn't want to lose her. She would allow him to kiss her, but it hasn't gone beyond that the last few weeks. They've talked about it openly and agreed to compromise.

"I want to do it right, this time, babe. I don't was us to go too fast. We need to learn how to trust each other again, don't you think?"

"Love, I am willing to wait for you. I hope you know that. I will continue to apologize to you until you finally believe it."

"What makes you think I haven't?"

"I can feel it, you're here, but you're not really here sometimes."

"Babe, I'm sorry. I hope you know I'm not doing this to play hard-to-get or because I'm punishing you. I'm doing this for myself. For us. I don't want to just make love...I want to make love last."

Jake held her hands. He looked her in the eyes. He can see in those dark brown depths that she loved him and that was enough for him. This was their first test as a couple, and he wanted them to pass with flying colors.

"I want that, too, love. You're the only one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I will go as slowly as you want to. I only want to make you happy. I love you."

"Thank you for understanding, babe," she smiled at him. "I love you, too. Ready?" she asked him.


He got out of the car first before going around to open her door for her. She took his proffered hand and grabbed the bouquet of sunflowers from the dashboard. They walked on the lawn together until they reached their destination. Beth placed the flowers on the grass and looked at Jake before turning back to the direction of the flowers.

"Hi, Alex. It's me again. There's someone I want you to meet."

She turned to Jake and smiled at him. She wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him closer to her.

"This is Jake," she continued. "My boyfriend."

Jake looked down at her and smiled before kissing her on the forehead. He placed his arm over her shoulder and snuggled her into his arms.

"Pare, this is a little awkward, and I don't really know what to say. I guess I just want to say that I promise to love and take care of Beth for as long as I am still breathing. It's only been a couple of months that we've been together, but I can honestly say that she is my life. She is really the best thing that has happened to me. I will treasure her for always. I promise that to you."

Beth looked up at him with shimmering eyes. A tear finally escaped, her bottom eyelid no longer strong enough to hold it in. Beth said a quick prayer before heading back to the car with Jake. Before entering the car, she faced her boyfriend and hugged him.

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