Playing House

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Beth expected Jake to live in a typical bachelor pad in a high rise condominium in the middle of one of the city's more urban areas; where one will find yuppies milling about everywhere they turned. So she was surprised when the driver pulled up to a large modern two-story house in a quiet and exclusive gated community where members of the upper echelons of society reside. She tried to be discrete about it, but she was definitely gawking.

The house was exactly like the man who lived in it: sleek, stylish, and masculine. The outside was all

glass and stone and smooth dark wood, very classy and elegant. A lush green lawn wrapped around to the backyard where she spied a hot tub that spilled into a miniature waterfall down into the pool below it. She heard Jake request for the driver to bring their bags to the foyer as he opened her side of the door and helped her out. She took his hand and together stepped through the front door.

The inside was exactly what one imagines when one hears the words bachelor pad. It was very minimalist, with a black, white, and grey color palette. The living room was painted a rich taupe color and had a black sofa and a black love seat flanking around a heavy square wooden center table facing the brick fireplace. Why one would need a fireplace in Manila one can only guess, but it made the room so much more inviting. A giant area rug with a black and white swirl pattern covered the beautiful cherry wood floor. As expected, there were no flowers or vases on top of the center table, but rather a tray of expensive whiskey in a fine crystal bottle and four crystal glasses rested on it. Next to the tray was a black and white photo book of the world's most famous architectural designs. Post modern paintings that hung on the walls broke the otherwise sleek design of the room, but created such a shift that it made the room interesting. A curving staircase led to rooms on the second floor. He pulled her out of her reverie and led her to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a dream! The marble floor in itself was already to die for, the rest of it was just the cherry on top. Stainless steel appliances, white drawers and cabinets, granite countertops and island, the latest and fanciest kitchen gadgets, recessed lighting...this was definitely her dream kitchen come to life. Jake took note of the way her eyes lit up as soon as they entered.

"You see something you like, baby girl?"

"Something? I see everything I like! Your kitchen is incredible! Wow. I'm speechless."

"What's mine is yours," he absentmindedly said as he already imagined her living with him, making use of HER kitchen everyday. He chuckled to himself at how advanced his thought process was. She didn't seem to hear him though, just continued to marvel at everything in front of her. Just then, an elderly woman in her 60s walked in through the sliding doors.

"Oh, Jake, you're home," the old woman dropped the groceries she was holding onto the island. Jake walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Just got here, Manang Lourdes."

Jake gestured for Beth to come closer. He held her hand and they faced the old woman together.

"Manang Lourdes, I'd like you to meet girlfriend." Manang Lourdes' eyebrows raised up at what she heard and looked from Jake to Beth and back to Jake again. "Love, Manang Lourdes. She's been my yaya for many, many years."

"Many, many years," Manang Lourdes repeated sarcastically. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled and pulled Beth in for a warm hug. "Nice to meet you, Beth."

"Nice to meet you din po," she returned the old woman's friendly hug.

"Are you thirsty? Hungry? I will be preparing dinner in a bit."

"Hindi pa po, Manang. Is there anything I can do to help?" Beth offered.

"No, no. I can manage. You two just rest."

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