Battery Full

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Nick and Lizzie decided to have a father-daughter date one Friday evening. They were going to have dinner and playtime at Lizzie's favorite pizza place and then watch the new feature length animated film at the movie theater. Beth told Nick she would be visiting Jake because he texted her that he wasn't feeling well, and she wanted to return the favor and take care of her man. Beth wasn't sure if she would come home that evening, it all depended on the severity of Jake's flu. She packed an overnight bag just in case and brought along groceries, medicine, and Lizzie's humidifier.

She rang the doorbell and a very sick looking Jake greeted her. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were watery, and his nose was red. She quickly stepped inside the house and embraced him. She could feel his warmth through his clothes and knew he was not doing well at all. They walked with their arms around each other as she led him to the couch.

"How's my baby?" she asked gently.

"I lost my voice, babe," he croaked out.

"Awww, my poor baby boy. Don't worry, I'll take care of you," she said and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "You want some soup?"

He nodded slowly.

"Why don't you go to bed while I make you some chicken noodle soup? This always seems to make Lizzie feel better whenever she's under the weather."

"I want to stay where I can see you. I missed you, babe."

"I missed you, too," she gave him another kiss on the lips and walked to the kitchen.

She pulled out a small pot from the cabinet and a cutting board, chef's knife, and peeler from the drawer. She put some water into the pot to bring to a boil for the elbow macaroni. She started peeling the carrots and chopping them into small squares then chopped some celery and onion. She bought an already cooked rotisserie chicken to shred and add to the soup; less mess, less hassle. The soup was finished in under a half an hour and she ladled some into a bowl for her sick fiancé.

She let the soup cool a little before spooning some to feed Jake. She blew on the steaming hot liquid first before bringing the spoon to Jake's mouth. He ate the soup hungrily, not having had a decent meal since he came down with the illness. He finished the whole bowl and smiled at Beth.

"Thanks, babe. I wish I had functioning tastebuds so I can honestly tell you it was delicious."

"It's okay, babe, and you better rest your voice. Have you taken your medicine yet?"

He nodded.

"Okay, good. How about we move to your room and I'll turn the humidifier on?"

She helped him to his feet and walked to his room. She readied the humidifier and set it on his bedside table. She wrapped him up in the comforter and excused herself to call Nick. She was not leaving Jake in the state he was in.

After her phone call, she dampened a face towel in cold water and put it over Jake's forehead. She wrapped her arm around his torso and held him close, missed being with him like this, but felt sorry for how miserable he was at the same time. She watched as his chest rose and fell in his sleep and placed a hand over his heart.

"I love you, babe. Sleep tight."


Beth found herself in the middle of an open field again, nothing to behold but freshly mowed green grass and bright blue sky as far as the eye can see.

"Hey, do you remember me?" she heard a voice from behind her.

"Of course I do. Hi, Alex," she grinned at the familiar face.

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