Titanic: 2

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10 April 1912.
It was a beautiful morning in France and many people were busy boarding a majestic ship called Titanic. Everyone was in a hurry to get on board because the ship was going to be leaving the dock at 8am.

There was a mixture of people coming on board. 3rd Class people who are poor, but they work hard for what they have. And the rich 1st Class people who somewhat look down at the poorer people.

One of those 1st Class people is Janice Lynch. She looks down at everyone that is poorer than her and her family. But after her husband passed away a year ago, her family was coming close to losing their 1st class fortune. But Janice is now forcing her only daughter, Becky Lynch, to marry a rich man just so that their family can remain in their 1st class position.

Janice, Becky, Sheamus and Wade Barrett pulled up on the docks in a fancy car. Wade got out and helped Janice out of the car.

Janice-''Thank you, dear.''

Rusev was right by Wade's side as servants started moving their bags onto the ship.

Janice-''So, this is the unsinkable ship called Titanic?''

Wade-''Yes, ma'am.''

Sheamus got out of the car and took Becky's hand as he helped her out of the car. Becky and Sheamus have a really close bond as brother and sister.

Becky-''Thank you, Sheamus.''

Sheamus-''Anytime, Lass.''

Becky & Sheamus slowly looked up at Titanic.

Becky & Sheamus slowly looked up at Titanic

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Becky-''Truly amazing. Isn't it?''

Sheamus-''It is.''

Janice-''Oh, don't get caught up in it. It's just a big boat.''

Becky sighed.

Becky-''Nothing is ever good enough for her.''

Sheamus-''That's our lovely mum.''

They smiled sadly and started walking towards the ship. Janice walked with Wade as Becky hooked her arm around Sheamus' arm as they walked. They walked on board and looked around at the ship's interior.

Becky-''It is very beautiful.''

Sheamus-''I can only imagine the parties that are going to happen on this ship.''

Becky smiled at Sheamus.

Becky thought about how people said that Titanic was the Ship Of Dreams. But for her, it was a slave ship that was taking her to America in chains. Becky was everything that a well grown up woman should be. On the outside, she was well dressed and always looking respectable, but on the inside....she was screaming. As Becky stepped foot on the Ship of Dreams, she felt like she was leaving all of her dreams behind.

Wade-''This way to our cabins!''

Janice, Wade, Becky & Sheamus followed the servants who lead them to their cabins as Ric Flair, Charlotte, Paige & Victoria arrived in their fancy car and stepped out.

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