Titanic: 4

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Becky looked behind her and saw nobody as she thought about what she wanted to do. Becky looked forward, grabbed hold of a rope and slowly climbed over the railing. Becky turned to face the ocean as she held onto the railing.

Becky stared at the ocean and slowly leaned forward as she held onto the railing. Then Dean slowly approached her and paused when he was about 10 feet away from her.

Dean-''Don't do it.''

Becky looked over her shoulder and she saw Dean.

Becky-''Stay back! Don't come any closer!''

Dean stepped closer to Becky.

Dean-''Come on, just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over.''

Becky-''No! Stay where you are!''

Dean stopped where he was standing.

Becky-''I really mean it!''

Becky looked down at the ocean.

Becky-''I will let go!''

Dean tried to think of a way to stop Becky as she looked over her shoulder at him. Then Dean took a drag of his cigarette and showed Becky that he was just going to toss the cigarette over into the ocean. Becky watched Dean throw his cigarette overboard and he stood by the railing and looked at her as he put his hands in his pockets.

Dean-''It's a lovely night, huh?''

Becky looked at Dean with confusion.

Dean-''The stars are bright. The breeze is cold, but it's nice.''

Becky-''What do you want? Don't you have somewhere else to be!''

Dean-''No, ma'am. I think I'm exactly where God intended me to be. And that's right here with you.''

Becky breathed heavily as she looked down at the ocean.

Dean-''See, I believe that everything happens for a reason and that those things happen when they are suppose to happen.''

Becky looked at Dean.

Dean-''So, I believe that God brought me here to you to stop you from jumping.''


Dean-''Not sure. Maybe He isn't ready to have one of his angels come to Heaven yet.''

Dean smiled at Becky.

Dean-''God knows that it would be a shame for the world to lose you so soon.''

Becky didn't know what to think or say.

Dean-''And by the way....no, you won't.''


Dean-''I know you won't jump.''

Becky-''What do you mean no I won't?''

Becky's voice was trembling, but also had an angry tone.

Becky-''Don't tell me what I will or will not do! You don't know me!''

Dean-''Well, you would've done it already.''

Becky-''You are distracting me! Go away!''

Dean-''I can't. I am involved now, Miss.''

Dean took off his coat.

Dean-''If you jump in there....I'm just gonna have to go in there after you.''

Becky-''Don't be absurd. You will be killed.''

Dean-''I'm a good swimmer.''

Becky-''The fall alone will kill you, Mister.''

Dean-''It would definitely hurt. Not saying it wouldn't.''

Amblynch: Titanic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now