Titanic: 12

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Every single guard and crew member started running around frantically after finding out what's happening! The man at the wheel was turning it fast until it couldn't turn anymore as another guard was sending a warning message down to the bottom deck to tell the workers that they need to stop the repellers and change the rotation to make the ship slow down as they tried to turn the ship at the same time.

The men stood staring at the front of the ship and slowly started to see that the ship was turning, but they weren't sure if the ship was going to miss the iceberg completely. The Titanic was going fast as it turned and went by the side of the iceberg, but Titanic hit the iceberg!

The impact caused the entire Titanic to shake violently! Dean & Becky were pulled away from their kiss upon feeling the ship rumble

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The impact caused the entire Titanic to shake violently! Dean & Becky were pulled away from their kiss upon feeling the ship rumble.

Dean-''The hell was that?''

Becky-''I don't know.''

The metal of the Titanic broke huge pieces of the iceberg off, but those pieces broke the metal of the ship and water immediately started coming in at the bottom of the ship where the workers were!

Mr. Andrews was sitting at his desk in his room when he felt his entire room shake. Water entered the storage deck of the ship where the crew members were continuing to look for Dean & Becky. The two men were swept away by the force of the water.

Dean & Becky looked up as they saw the huge iceberg and they backed up as large pieces of ice fell onto the deck.

Dean & Becky looked up as they saw the huge iceberg and they backed up as large pieces of ice fell onto the deck

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Becky-''Oh, Lord.''

Dean took Becky's hand as they were in shock.

Sheamus, Roman, Charlotte, Seth & Paige were on the lower deck on the other side of the ship. So, all they did was feel the impact, but they had no clue what caused it.

Sheamus-''What was that?!''

Roman-''No clue.''

Charlotte-''Felt similar to an earthquake.''

Paige-''Maybe something got caught on the repellers?''

Seth-''Whatever it was, it didn't feel good. I got a bad feeling, everyone.''

Amblynch: Titanic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now