Titanic: 19

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Dean and Becky laid on the wooden door. Becky was now singing the song in a whisper as she shivered in Dean's arms. Becky noticed that the sounds from the other people around them was almost completely silent. All she could hear was the ocean moving and the small splashes against the sides of the wooden door.

Becky eventually stopped singing and stared out into the distance of the ice cold dark night. She started to wonder if any of the lifeboats were going to come back for them. The night was so cold, that Dean and Becky had pieces of ice in their hair.

Becky saw a few faint lights in the distance. At first she thought it was just bright stars, but the lights grew a little brighter and bigger. The lights were also moving around from side to side. Becky also started hearing a sound, but it was so blurry that she couldn't make it out.

Becky-''What....is that?''

Becky's voice cracked in a whisper as she lifted her head up from Dean's chest a little bit.

Becky blinked hard several times and tried to focus so she could see & hear better. Then she heard that the sound was a voice calling out and the light was a torch from a lifeboat coming back for them.

It was Officer Lowe & Roman who were calling out and shining torches around to see for any survivors as the two lifeboats rowed side by side.




They rowed slowly by the people once they reached them. They checked everyone and they moved the people aside gently before continuing to row on.

Lowe-''Be careful. Make sure you don't hit them.''

The sight of the people dead in the water was truly devastating and heartbreaking to see.

Lowe-''We have to keep looking. There has to be survivors!''

The men were determined to find survivors as they continued on while calling out.

Becky smiled weakly realising that help came. Becky lifted herself up a little bit on Dean's chest and looked at the lifeboats in the distance.

Becky-''Dean. Dean, they came back for us. Help is here.''

Becky smiled and she looked at Dean.

Becky-''There's a boat, Dean. There's a boat.''

But then Becky noticed that Dean's eyes were closed.

Becky-''Dean? Dean, open your eyes. They've come back for us, Dean. Dean!''

Becky started to panic a little bit as she shook Dean's shoulder. But then the grip of his arms around her loosened and his arms fell onto the door.

Becky-''No. No, Dean! Dean!''

Becky started crying and continued to shake Dean, but he wouldn't open his eyes.


Becky's voice cracked every time she tried to yell for Dean to wake up, but her voice was just a loud whisper every time.

Becky-''Dean! Dean, please?! Wake up! Wake up!''

Becky cried and laid her forehead on Dean's chest as the boats rowed by them several feet away. Becky didn't look up, so she didn't see that Roman & Sheamus were there as she cried on Dean's chest.

Becky-''I'm not leaving you.''

Becky continued to cry and shut her eyes as she decided to stay with Dean. She didn't want to leave him.

Amblynch: Titanic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now