Titanic: 10

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Moments after having their first kiss, Dean & Becky went to Becky's cabin where they could be alone for a while. Becky was showing Dean the entire cabin, room by room.

Dean-''Wow, this cabin is a lot fancier than they said it would be.''

Becky giggled as they walked into another room.

Becky-''This is the sitting room.''

Dean looked around at everything as Becky closed the door.

Becky-''Will this light do?''

Becky asked as she took off her scarf.


Becky-''The lighting in this room, will it do? Don't artists need good light?''

Dean-''*French accent* That is true madam, but I am not used to working in such horrible conditions.''

Dean pretended to wipe dust off the desk as Becky giggled at his French accent impression.

Becky-''Was that how you talked to your French girls?''

Dean-''*French accent* But of course, madam.''

They laughed.

Dean looked around and saw one of the paintings Becky had that was on a chair and Dean immediately recognized it.

Dean-''Wow. You have a painting by Picasso.''

Becky-''I do. It's amazing.''

Dean-''Yeah, I love his unique way of using colours and brush strokes. Truly extraordinary.''

Becky smiled as she saw Dean admiring the painting and looking at it from an artist's point of view.

Becky-''I'll be right back.''

Becky walked over to where Wade kept his safe as Dean continued to look around the room at the other paintings.

Dean-''Why do you have a safe? But then again, why wouldn't you when you have so many people on board this ship.''

Becky-''Wade insists on carrying this dreadful thing around everywhere we go.''

Dean-''Will we be seeing him here any time soon?''

Becky-''Not as long as the Brandy and Cigars hold out.''

Becky walked up to Dean holding the Heart of the Ocean necklace. Becky handed it to Dean.

Dean-''*Whistles* Wow, that's nice. You should ask me out on a date first before buying me fancy jewellery.''

Becky giggled.

Dean-''What is it? A sapphire?''

Dean held it up to get a good look at it in the light.

Becky-''It's a diamond. A very rare diamond.''

Dean-''It's incredible. Does it have a name?''

Becky-''What makes you think it has a name?''

Dean-''Not sure. Just a feeling, I guess.''

Becky smiled.

Becky-''It's called "The Heart Of The Ocean".''

Dean-''Oh, that explains the heart shape and the fact that it's blue.''

Becky-''That's a perfect way of looking at it.''

Becky smiled as Dean continued to look at the diamond.

Becky-''Dean, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this.''


Amblynch: Titanic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now