Titanic: 1

358 14 47

7 April 1912.
Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns were sitting in a local bar drinking beer. Dean was smoking a cigarette and sighed as he looked out of the window at the dock just outside.

Dean-''Man, I can't believe Titanic is leaving in 3 days. We finally have the opportunity to go home and we can't afford the damn tickets.''

Seth-''I know. It really sucks that we came here for work and unfortunately nothing worked out and now we're stuck here.''

Roman-''I'm sure we'll find a way to get home. We just got to be patient.''

Dean took a long drag of his cigarette and sighed as he blew out the smoke. Then the waitress walked up to their table.

Dean-''I don't know, guys. Maybe getting on board Titanic is just too good to be true.''

Waitress-''You gentlemen want to get on Titanic?''

Seth-''We just want to go home to America.''

Roman-''But the only way to get there any time soon is via that ship.''

Waitress-''Well, there might be a way you can win 3 tickets for Titanic.''


Waitress-''See those fellas over there on the other side of the bar?''

Dean, Seth & Roman glanced over and then looked back at the waitress.

Waitress-''They have 3 tickets to Titanic. But they're gambling men. So, if you have a good poker face, maybe you gentlemen can win those tickets and head on home.''


Roman-''Why are you telling us this?''

Waitress-''I'm just sick of seeing them take other people's money in poker games. It's been going on for days. I want to see them get a taste of their own medicine, you know?''

Dean-''Poker game, you said?''


Dean-''And do they always put the tickets on the line?''

Waitress-''They do. Good luck, gentlemen.''

Roman-''Thank you.''

Waitress-''You're very welcome.''

She smiled and walked off.



Roman-''You're not seriously thinking of playing against them, are you?''

Dean-''Of course I am. I've never lost a poker game in my life.''

Seth-''We know you're good, but they could be better.''

Dean-''Only one way to find out.''

Dean smirked as he took a drag of his cigarette.

A beautiful woman named Becky Lynch was sitting outside in a lovely garden having tea with her two best friends, Paige and Charlotte.

Paige and Charlotte were talking as Becky was lost in her thoughts as she stared at her cup of tea.


Becky didn't respond.

Paige-''Hey, Becky?''

Paige tapped Becky on her hand making Becky snap out of her thoughts.


Charlotte-''You were miles away just now. Are you ok?''

Becky sighed sadly.

Becky-''It's just....I don't want to go on Titanic.''

Paige-''But I thought you were looking forward to going back to Ireland?''

Becky-''My mother lied to me. Titanic is only going from France to Ireland to pick up more passengers and no one is allowed to get off.''

Paige-''So, you can't get off the ship and stay in Ireland?''

Becky-''No. Plus, the wedding is happening in Philadelphia.''

Paige-''It was suppose to be in Ireland.''

Becky-''Again, my mother lied.''

Charlotte-''How does Sheamus feel about it?''

Becky-''Sheamus was the one who actually found out. He was furious when he told me.''

Paige-''I'm so sorry, Becky. You & Sheamus were looking forward to going home to Ireland.''

Becky-''Yes, we really were. And we didn't mind if our mum wanted to go to New York. She can marry Wade for all I care.''

Paige & Charlotte smiled.

Becky-''I can't believe I'm being forced to marry a man I don't love. I don't even like him.''

Paige-''Wade is kind of handsome.''

Becky-''You marry him then.''

They giggled.

Charlotte-''What are you going to do now?''

Becky-''I don't know. All my hopes & dreams are in Ireland. So, when we leave in 3 days, I say "goodbye" to all of that.''

Becky continued to drink her tea as Paige & Charlotte felt bad for her.

Dean, Seth & Roman walked into their small apartment happy and a little drunk!

Seth-''Did you see those guy's faces when you won?!''

Dean-''It was hard to miss!''

Roman-''Oh, my gosh. We're finally going home!''


They had a group hug.

Dean-''Well, I'm going to go pass out on my mattress.''

They all went to lay down on their mattresses on the floor. Dean sat down on his mattress and pulled out the 3 tickets from his jacket pocket.

Dean-''I can't believe this. I'm finally going to go home to Ohio.''

Dean smiled and pulled out a picture of him and his mother. The picture was taken the day he left America to come to London. Dean kept that picture with him everyday.

Dean-''I miss you so much, mom.''

Dean kissed the picture.

Dean-''I'm coming home, mom. I'll see you soon.''

Dean smiled and put the picture back in his pocket. He put the tickets under his pillow, laid down and smiled as he looked up at the ceiling.


Dean cheered and Seth & Roman smiled.

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