Titanic: 6

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Dean & Becky were walking on the ship deck still talking and getting to know each other.

Becky-''You must've really loved your time in Paris surrounded by all that beauty and high class people.''

Dean-''Well, I never really cared much for all that. It just had no heart to it.''

Becky-''I like some of it.''



Dean-''Well....Paris, for me, was more about living on the streets and trying to put it on the paper, you know what I mean?''

Becky-''You know, my dream has always been to just run away and become an artist. Living poor, but free!''

Dean chuckled.

Dean-''You wouldn't last 2 days.''

Becky giggled.

Dean-''There's no hot water and hardly ever any caviare.''

Becky-''I happen to hate caviare. And I hate people telling me what dreams I should or shouldn't have.''

Dean nodded.

Dean-''I'm sorry. You're right.''

Becky-''It's fine.''

Dean-''Your brother doesn't seem like the kind of guy to tell you what you should or shouldn't do though.''

Becky-''You're right, he's not. If it weren't for my brother, I....I don't know how I'd be able to stay sane. Sheamus is the only one who ever told me to go wherever my heart wants me to go.''

Dean smiled.

Becky-''But everyone else just....''

Becky sighed in frustration.

Becky-''Everyone expects me to be this delicate little flower, which I'm not! I'm as strong as a horse. I'm here to do something, not just sit around and be decorative!''

Becky lifts up her hands.

Becky-''You see these hands, they were made for work.''

A servant walked up to them with a tray of tea.

Man-''Would you like some tea, Miss?''


Becky said with an annoyed and frustrating tone making Dean laugh!


They continued to walk.

Becky-''There's something in me, Dean. I can feel it! I don't know what it is, but I feel like I should be an artist or a sculptor or a....I don't know. Maybe a dancer with a wild spirit!''

Becky twirled around a few times as Dean smiled at her.

Dean-''I'm impressed.''

Becky got shy as she realised she had just danced around without a care.

Becky-''Uh, shall we go talk over there?''

Dean-''Hey, don't do that.''

Becky-''Do what?''

Dean-''Stop yourself from being you.''

Becky smiled nervously as Dean stepped up to her.

Dean-''You just said you want to be an artist and stop listening to what everyone else wants you to be. And yet....when you show that part of yourself, you shut it down very quickly. Why?''

Amblynch: Titanic (Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu