Titanic: 13

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While Becky, Paige & Charlotte sat in their rooms furious at their parents, Dean, Seth & Roman were taken to the middle level of the ship. The guards handcuffed Seth to a steel pipe in one room, while Roman was handcuffed to a pipe in a different room far away from where Seth was. Then Dean was handcuffed to a thick metal pipe in a room far away from his brothers.

They were kept in separate rooms far away from each other so that they couldn't help each other escape. There was a guard in each room to keep an eye on them as the rest of the officers left to help the rest of the crew as they were dealing with the ship sinking.

As Seth & Roman were wondering how they were gonna get out of this situation, Dean was more concerned about Becky and what she is thinking about this whole situation. Does she believe him? Does Becky think that he stole the necklace? Lots of questions were running through Dean's mind right now as he sighed and leaned his forehead against the metal pipe.

Becky had a lot of questions running through her mind as well. She was so lost in thought that she didn't realise that she & Wade were alone in the room until he stepped in front of her and got her attention.



Wade-''Where are you?''

Becky-''*Sighs* Lost in thought.''

Wade-''No doubt thinking about Mr. Ambrose?''

Becky glared at Wade.

Becky-''You framed him, didn't you?''


Becky just stared at him.

Wade-''He is the thief and you question me?!''

Wade grabbed Becky by her arms and she got scared for a moment seeing the anger in Wade's eyes. But then he let her go as they heard a knock on the door.

Wade-''Go away!''

A crew member walked in.

Man-''Sorry to interrupt, Sir. But I'm here to inform you that you need to put on your lifejackets.''

Wade stepped away from Becky as she took a deep breath and covered her mouth.

Wade-''I said go away!''

Man-''I'm sorry, Sir. But it's Captain's orders.''

The man grabbed the lifejackets and placed them on the couch and saw how upset Becky was.

Man-''Don't worry, Miss. I'm sure there's nothing to be alarmed about. Captain just wants everyone to be safe.''

Becky nodded realising that the man didn't know why she was really upset.

Man-''Now, both of you dress warmly. It's very cold outside.''

The man left as Becky took a deep breath and walked into her room. Becky put on her pink coat that went with her dress and left the cabin to find Paige & Charlotte.

But when Becky stepped out of the cabin, crew members were leading everyone out of their rooms and were told to follow them. Becky walked up to Paige & Charlotte.

Becky-''Where is everyone going?''

Paige-''Not sure.''

Charlotte-''Our parents are down the hall already. Maybe the Captain has some news?''

Wade walked up to them.

Wade-''Let's go, ladies.''

They followed Wade once they were joined by Sheamus and they all went to the Grand Staircase.

Amblynch: Titanic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now