Titanic: 8

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Next Morning.
Dean, Seth & Roman were having breakfast, but Dean wasn't listening to their conversation because he was distracted.


Dean snapped out of his thoughts and looked at them.


Roman-''You're a million miles away. What are you thinking about?''

Dean-''*Sighs* Nothing.''

Seth-''Liar. You're thinking about Becky, aren't you?''

Dean leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair.

Roman-''Brother, you need to forget about her.''

Dean-''I can't.''

Seth-''Listen, last night was fun. We all had a great time dancing & drinking. But it's time to face reality. You're never gonna end up with a woman like Becky.''

Dean-''I don't want to end up with a woman like Becky. I want to be with Becky. Don't you understand?''

Roman-''She's engaged to Wade Barrett. Plus, at the end of the day, 1st Class doesn't end up marrying 3rd Class.''

Dean sighed.

Seth-''Do you really think she will step down from her Class to be with you?''

Dean-''*Sarcasm* Wow. I'm really loving the support, brothers.''

Dean stood up.

Roman-''We want the best for you, Dean.''

Seth-''You just gotta forget about her and be realistic.''

Dean-''What about you two? You can't seriously sit there and tell me that you're not thinking about Paige & Charlotte.''

Seth & Roman sighed.

Dean-''I thought so. Now you know how hard it is for me to forget about Becky.''

Seth-''You're right. We are thinking about them. But we are facing reality, Dean. We will never be with women like them.''

Dean-''Of course you won't with an attitude like that.''

Roman-''Dean, you have to listen-''


Cora ran to Dean and he picked her up.

Dean-''Hey there, Cutie Pie!''

Cora giggled.

Dean-''You ready to do some drawings?''

Cora-''Yep. Can you teach me how to draw a puppy?''

Dean-''Of course I can. Let's go.''

Dean grabbed his sketch book from the table.

Seth-''Dean, we're not done talk-''

Dean-''As far as I'm concerned, we are done talking about it.''

Dean walked off with Cora.

Becky was having breakfast with Wade. Wade stared at Becky as she stirred her tea and smiled at him slightly as the maid, Trudy, had left them alone.

Wade-''I was hoping you would've joined me last night.''

Becky-''I was very tired.''

Becky sipped on her tea.

Wade-''I assume the party below deck was indeed tiring.''

Becky had a shocked expression on her face for a few seconds because she had no idea that Wade knew about her being at the 3rd Class party with Dean last night.

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