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Chapter 9: Lake house prt.1
I step out the car and take my shades off and breathe in the woodsy smell, "ahh nature," I say. "Shut up you hate nature," Ryker says. I roll my eyes.

Prom is next week and Ryker still hasn't asked me, and I've been asked twice by other people.

The other cars slowly pull in and we all head in, Ryker offered to take my bags. I made a new friend Sadie and she's Shelbys sister so Shelby came also uhhhh. Ryker and I are sharing a room. Shelbys room is connected to ours by the bathroom.

I put all our stuff away and head where everyone is. "Ok we have 5 days, hot weather, no parents, booze and no school, let's turn UP!," Ryder yells handing us all a beer. Ryker tried to kiss me which I deny. I told him no kissing for a week cause he didn't let me drive.

We all sit down and Shelby sits on the arm of Ryker chair basically on her lap and he's letting her. I look over roll my eyes and scoff, it's official I need to get drunk.

4 hours later and a lot of vodka and tequila later, I'm officially drunk. The boys are outside cutting wood while the girls are inside chatting. "Ryker is so hot," Shelby tells the group of girls. "Ok you know what bitch I don't really appreciate you trying to go after my boyfriend right in front of me your that desperate you can't get your own isn't it obvious he doesn't want you and never will so either move on and accept it or get kiss cause frankly it's just sad now," I fake pout and bring my drink to my lips.

She rolls her eyes. Ryder comes in sweaty and shirtless only wearing shorts. The girls ogle him. "Back off my mans bithces," Tiffany says, he goes and sits beside her, "all yours baby," he whisper but we here it and they kiss, and start making out they eventually migrate to the there room.

Ryker comes in next with no shirt on and his shorts are hanging low showing his v-line, he walks over to me and stands directly in front of me. "1,2,3,4,5,6," I count his abs. "You know you have 6 abs?," I ask him slurring my words.

"I've been told that," he chuckles. "And you have like a perfect v-line," I comment putting my hands on his shorts trying to pull them down. Before I can he grabs my hands and pushes them away. I look up at him innocently.

"Your like so hot, I don't know why god made you perfect you have amazing blue eyes, perfect jawline and hair, a 6-pack, perfect height, and the body of a sex god," I explain listing on my fingers each reason.

"I'm starting to think you only like me for my body," he jokes. I laugh, "everyone this is my boyfriend Ryker," I say pointing to him. "So I'm your boyfriend now?," he teases. "Yup," I say simply.

"We already know him," Shelby says. "We're just friends by the way," he says, "what so you don't like me anymore?," I ask. "No I do but we agreed- why am I explaining is your drunk you will remember when your sober," he sits beside me and wraps an arm around my waist.

The other guys walk in. "You know Calvins actually kinda hot," I say. "And it's time for bed," Ryker says, I protest but he picks me up bridal style. We snuggle into the bed together.

I wake up with a killer headache, with an arm draped around my waist, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT? I nudge him to wake him up, no response, I tap him, no response. I push him over so he's facing up and straddle him, I pepper him in kisses.

After 30 good seconds of doing that, he flips us over, still half asleep. "How did you- never mind don't answer that," he lays on my stomach while I play with his hair. I do that for 10 more minutes before I decide to wake him up.

"Hey Ry what happened last night?," I ask curiously. He snickers, "well you basically objectified me, started counting my abs, then basically tried to strip me in front of everyone," he laughs. My mouth falls, "but the best part was when you yelled at Shelby cause she was abs I quote "trying to go after your boyfriend"," he puts in air quotes.

"So I'm your boyfriend now?," he teases. "Not until you ask the question, but since that hasn't happened, we are 2 single people who enjoy each other company," I say looking at the ceiling.

"You know I don't wanna be in a relationship," he lays beside looking at me. "With me?," I ask. "With anyone SJ your great and I've never felt like this for anybody," I stand up.

"SJ you gotta be patient with me," he says. "I have been nothing but patient with you for these last couple months, I just think we need time apart from the coupley stuff, just until we're both on the same page," I say trying not to cry.

"If that's what you," he says still not making eye contact. I walk downstairs and see Ryder. "Hey," he says. "Hi," I say flatly. "Trouble in paradise for the lovely couple?," he asks. "We're not a couple nor will we ever be, your brother has commitment issues," I bite my apple.

"How do you know?," he looks at me. "Well he claims he likes me a lot and that he's never felt this way but he won't get in a relationship with me, but gets even remotely jealous when I talk to a guy," I say biting into my apple again.

"There's 2 choices really, you can wait or you can date, option 1 you wait for him to be ready and to be with you and work through his commitment issues or you date and date other people to see if you wanna wait for him or move on," he explains.

"I don't-," I get cut off. "I think you should," Ryker says coming around a corner. "I have commitment issues and you want a something I just can't give you right now," he puts his hands on my cheeks. "So I'm letting you, you date whomever you kiss whomever, but know when I'm ready we'll find our way back to each other, just know we'll be friends no matter what," I feel a hot tear pour down my face but Ryker wipes it.

He walks back upstairs. I look at Ryder, he looks shocked. "I've never seen his so emotional, I'll go talk to him," he says standing. "I'm going by the lake," I walk out the door.

I go near the lake and start stone skipping. "Hey," I hear a voice. I turn and see a handsome who seems about my age. "Hi," I reply mesmerized. "What's wrong?," he asks. "Is it that obvious?," I sigh.

"Talk to me I'm a great listener," he says. "Well this guy I like likes me back but he has commitment issues so we can't be together but then I had to decide to date or wait for him and he told me to date, and now I'm spilling my guts to a stranger," I say. "I've known you for years," he says making my eyes widen. "H-huh?," I speak.

"It's me James," he says making my mouth drop. "Wow you got hotter," I say. "Yea the braces came off, got in the gym, upgraded my style, and got new glasses," he says smiling. "Your just as hot as I remember," he says.

"I'm guessing the guy your talking about is one of the twins?," he asks. "Yea Ryker," I admit. "Things'll get better promise," he opens his arm. I hug him, "still a hugger i see," I say and he chuckles. We both stand up and he towers me.

"My friends and I are going swimming in the lake if you wanna join," I look at his swim trunks. "Sure," he gladly accepts. "Let me go change," I say beckoning him to follow.

We walk in and see everyone in the living room. "Hey where have you been and his the hottie?," Sam says making everyone turn to me. Ryker shoots daggers at him then he quickly masks it and looks back at his phone.

"I was at the lake and guess who I ran into James," Ryder and Ryker looks at him confused. "Wow good to see you dude," Ryder says fist bumping. "I thought he was-," she gets cut off. "Nerdy yea I use to be," he finishes.

"I'm gonna go change," I say walking upstairs. I feel a presence behind me but I just keep walking to my room. I get in and hear the door close, "James, really?," I hear Ryker. "When I said dating i didn't mean that fast," he says.

"See there you go again your so confusing you tell me to date and as soon as I talk to a guy your jealous, it sounds like you want me to wait Ryker," I whisper yell. "Cause I do ok it would literally kill me to see you with another guy," he finally admits yelling at me.

"Then why did you tell me to date if it's gonna torture you," I sigh. "Cause I didn't wanna be selfish, for once in my life I wasn't enough for someone and it hurts," he sits beside. "Ryker you are enough, we're just on to different levels right now, I'm at the peek and your 3/4's there our time will come I promise," I look at him.

He starts leaning in and so do I, the kiss was passionate he licked my bottom lip asking for permission but I denied. He was admit, in one swift I was on the bed and he was on top of me, I gasped and he took the opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like mint and vanilla. I tug on the hem of his shirt and he swiftly removes it, one second we're dressed and the next we're not.

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