Twenty- three

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Chapter 23: lake house

"Sky hurry up," I yell at her, "coming," she says hauling the bags in her room. A faint knock comes from the door, "Get the door," Ryker yells from the kitchen, I mumble a 'fine' and open it to reveal Ryder and a BABY.

"Hi," I say in a baby voice, "you gonna take her or just break my arm?," he asks, I grab the carrier and set it on the couch, I take her out and she's so cute.

"Hi River I'm SJ, I'm daddy's friend, Well I'm basically your aunt cause I grew up with your father but I'm dating your uncle so it's not official," I say and she laughs.

"Your confusing her," Diamond says, "no I'm not just being truthful," I explain and pick her, Ryder walks in with a diaper bag and foldable play pin.

"She might be hungry from the 2 hour drive," he explains and I nod, "Are you hungry?," I ask and she squeals biting her hand. I get Diamond to make her a bottle while I change her diaper and put on a new onesie.

She comes back with the bottle and sits on the other couch, Ryker eventually comes in and sits beside me, "hi baby," he says and kisses her forehead.

"You wanna burp her?," I ask and he nods, I hand her off to him while I use the bathroom, I come back and see River laying on Ryker's chest sucking on her pacifier almost asleep.

I quickly take a photo, and go and sit beside them. Ryder walks in with a bowl of spaghetti and makes sure his daughter is okay.

Everyone finally arrives 20 minutes later and River is knocked on Ryker's chest, he insisted on keeping her instead of laying her in Ryders bed.

"So Danny, you finally grew some balls and asked Jade out?," Ryker asks quietly, "yea we're officially together," he says proudly.

"So Mass how far along are you?," I ask, "8 months yesterday," she explains and Noah puts his hand on her bump, "do you guys know the gender?," Sam asks.

"Yea it's a girl," Noah says cheesing, "congrats," I say, "Speaking of pregnancy, James and I wanted to wait to tell you all but your all here, in pregnant," Sam explains.

"Are. You. Serious?," I ask in disbelief, "yea," she smiles at me and I literally attack her but gently.

"I'm gonna be a aunt to 3," I say excited, "yea," James says and everyone congratulated them.

"Now it's your turn," Ryder says, "my turn to what?," I ask confused, "Have a child duhh," and I just blink.

"Yea, no your 3 is enough for us," Ryker says. "Who said with you?," I ask teasingly, his eyebrows furrow, "if you think your leaving me your on something else," he says.

"Y'all are goals," Mads says about to cry, "what if I want to leave you?," I ask challenging him. "Then I'll let you leave," he says, "really?," I ask, "nope," he responds.

I nod and cuddle into his arm.

"Hey Ry and SJ were going swimming in the lake wanna come?," Ryder asks, "nah we'll stay with the baby," I respond and Ry agrees.

When they leave I post the pic from earlier.


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Liked by: Ryker Smith, Just_Sam, and 1,267,363 more
@SJLogan: greatest uncle award goes to RYKER SMITH. PSA: it's his brothers child
RykerSmith: she's the best niece
RyderSmith: ahhh a break
Reply to Ryder:
Susan_wierd: why's his brother actually hot?
Jazzy.hands: there twins
9 hours ago

I eventually drift off into a deep slumber.

I'm awoken by shaking, "Hey babe, someone's knocking on the door," he whispers in my ear, I groan and stand up.

I rub my eyes before opening the door, I open it and see Sadie and Shelby, my eyes widen. I gulp, "w-what are you doing here?," I ask, "it's spring break," Shelby says. "Well duh, you disappear off the face of the earth then come to out lake house," I say.

"Well my boyfriend invited me," she says, "who?," I ask and Nash appears, "Nash?," I say weirded out. Ryker appears beside me, "Hey Nash," he says skeptical, "what are you doing with she-devil?," he asks.

"You mean my girlfriend, Shelby this is Ryker and his girlfriend SJ," he points to us, "we know each other," I say through gritted teeth. "How? She said she didn't know you guys only saw you on the internet," he asks confused.

"Well let's see first she basically stalked me in high school, repeatedly tried to hook up with me after I rejected her, hated SJ cause we were hanging out, and tried to assault her on many accounts," he explains and Nash looks taken back.

"W-what?," he asks, "So you lied?," he says after a moment, "baby when we first met, I didn't know you knew them, I had only found out after watching Hollywood fix, when I asked you about it you said you were friends and you asked me if I knew them, I didn't want all the high school petty drama back so I said no, the only reason I lied was because I really like you and I don't want anyone coming between us," she speaks and for the first time, she's actually showing emotions.

"I'm sorry for whatever Shelby did in the past I hope you guys can move forward," he says, "yea of course," I speak for the both of us. "Is this you guys child?," she asks looking at River, "no it's Ryder and Tiffany's," he explains.

"Oh," is all she says.

Once everyone gets back we explain the situation, and they all forgive her. "Oh wait i have to introduce everyone, this is Rykers siblings, Sam and Ryder, River is Ryders daughter and James is Sams boyfriend, then Mads and her boyfriend Noah, this is my roommate Diamond, and her twin brother Danny and his girlfriend Jade, this is Jack and his girlfriend Jo, this is Nash and his girlfriend Shelby and her sister Sadie, and finally Mathews," I say out of breathe.

"It's too many of y'all," I say panting, "breathe baby," Ryker says and I eventually do.

The baby wakes up, "I'm gonna feed her," Ryder says and Ryker hands her to him.

"Where's everyone gonna sleep?," I ask, all the couples are probably gonna room together so there should be enough room. "Wait Mathews needs a room," we all look at each other.

"I volunteer Mads she's pregnant," Sadie says, "why not Ryker and SJ?," Mads asks, "I don't wanna be right next to them while there fucking that's a pass," Mathews says.

I hear someone walk in and we all turn and see Callie, "sorry im late, traffic," she says setting her stuff down, "Hey, we're talking about rooming," I explain.

"Why don't Mads and Sam room with James and Noah, then Callie, Mathews, and Sadie get James and Sams room, while Ryder and River take Mads and Noah's room," I say as more of a statement, they all agree.

"We should go live," Sadie says, "yea we can on my account," Sam says, "why not mine it was my idea?," Sadie asks, "cause," she says finalizing the argument.

I get a notification.

Just_Sam is going live now.

"Hey live happy spring break," Sam says, "I'm here with a couple friends," she says.

SummerSanders: is that Ryker Smith and SJ Logan?
TinaValley: @SummerSanders she's Ryker's sister
ChildAnyways_: how long have Ryker and Sj been dating?

"We've been dating for almost 6 months," he says.


I hear Sadie tell Shelby something, "look at those views," she whispers but I hear her.

"What are everyone's instagrams?," Sam reads off the screen, "you can everyone in my following," she says. "But you don't follow us," Sadie says.

"Oh," she says and turns back to the live.

She just wants followers, I hate clout chasers.

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