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Chapter 21:
We walk in Rykers dorm. "Hey your finally home, wanna watch the game with me?," Danny asks. "Sorry can't SJ and I are going out to lunch,"I close the door. "Your always with your girlfriend dude, do you ever have alone time?," Danny asks and he still hasn't turned around.

"Ummm, yea I can if I want," he says. "Well the giants are on against Washington," he admits. "Ryker I'm going to get my nails done, your staying with your bitch of a roommate," I roll my eyes but it's true, we've been like inseparable since we got together.

Danny turns around giving me a 'sorry' look. "What?," Ry asks. "Bitch boy is right, we need time apart, plus I'm going to get my nails done and gossip to the ladies about you," I grab my keys.

"Thanks," Danny says. "Seems like I'm the only single one, Jacks been busy with Jo, Nash is fully devoted to sports, and Mathews just doesn't wanna hang anymore," he sighs. "Well you have Ryker now," I say and pat his shoulder.

Ryker walks out in just shorts. I peck his lips before going to the salon.

I go back to my dorm and see Diamond by herself with a box of tissues. "Babes what's wrong?," I sit beside her. "She broke up with me," she lays her head on my arm. "Awww there's other fish in the sea," I explain.

She looks up and does the unthinkable, she frickin kissed me. I don't respond I'm just froze and she pulls away. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that," she hurries and runs to her room.

I text Danny.

Daniel I need you,,

Finally broke up with pretty boy?
Nvm he slapped me for typing that, so what's up?

Gaby broke up with Diamond,,

Uhhh otw

15 minutes later, he arrives. "What happened?," he asks. "I walked in, she was crying on the couch, I went to comfort her she kissed me apologized and ran to her room," I explain.

"sHE KiSsED yOu," Ryker exclaims. "She was going through a rough time and I was there," I explain. "Oo trouble in paradise, I'm gonna go check on my sister," Danny says.

"Ella te besó y tú solo lo ignoraste como si nada," he says in Spanish, he only does that when he's upset. (She kissed you and your just brushing it off like nothing), "she just went through a breakup," I say.

"You understood me?," he looks at me confused. "We grew up in basically the same household dipshit, I know just as much Spanish as you do," I yell at him.

"lo siento ok, me puse celoso," he says. (I'm sorry ok, I got jealous). "cariño, está bien ponerse celoso, pero por una chica, no la besé de vuelta," he smiles at my words. (Baby, it's ok to get jealous but over a girl, I didn't kiss her back).

Diamonds door opens and it's her in a sports bra and some sweats. "Sorry I kissed you," she says sincerely. "It's fine, your actually not a bad kisser," I try to lighten the mood. "I could always kiss you again," she flirts.

"Diamond Martinez are you flirting with me?," I ask flirting back, I'm only doing it to get under Rykers skin. "Maybe, but your flirting back," she states like it's the obvious.

"Well maybe I-," I get cut off by being spun around someone crashing there lips into mine. I kiss back obviously, then he pulls away randomly leaving me yearning for more. "Possessive much?," Diamond says.

"I wouldn't have to be if she didn't look how she looks," he states. "It's not my fault I was blessed with beauty," I say. "Wear baggy clothes from now on maybe guys will stop gawking at you," he roll his eyes.

"Bro even if she wears baggy clothes she's still hot," Danny says and Diamond agrees with him. I know she doesn't like me like that, I hope. "Besides Billie Eilish wears baggy clothes and she's hot," I smile.

"I'm starting to think my girlfriend is bisexual," Ryker says. "Maybe I am," I challenge. "Cool as long as you don't leave me," her says and sits on the couch. "I'm not btw, but if I was I would have totally banged Sky, she's hot," I say.

"I got that all on Snapchat and I'm sending her that," Ryker says. "Fuck you," I say jumping on him. "You already did and you know you want to," he says rather loudly. I punch his shoulder. Knowing I do, he looks sexy as hell with that shirt that's hugging his just right.

"Your starring at me," he says. "What's wrong with starring at my boyfriend?," I ask. "Your eye-fucking me," he explains. "Why do that when I can do the real kind," I kiss him and he kisses me back instantly.

"We're still here," Danny says. We pull apart and I roll my eyes. "Cock-blocker!," Ryker yells. My phone rings and SkyLARRAY>3 pops up on my screen. Shes in love with Larray, Istg.

Bold- SJ
Underlined- Sky

What's up?
Nothing, just thinking about how I could have fucked a super fucking model
I said if I was there totally different things
Still you considered me, but that's not what I'm calling about, the band is having a gig nearby and we want y'all to come and you get 2 extra tickets
Really when?
Spring break
So 2 weeks?
Ok just text me the deets
Ok bye love you
Love you too

I hang up. "I love you?," Danny says. "I love you too Danny," I say. "Hah I got an I love you before you and I've known her for like 5 months," Danny says to Ryker. "Cool I guess," he seems uncomfortable talking about the subject.

"So now that you love me," Danny says sitting beside me, "we could go on a date," he winks and wraps his arms around me. Before I could shrug it off, someone lifts it off. "Your delusional if you think i would let you go on a date with my girlfriend," Ryker says and I blush.

"I don't even like your girlfriend like that, I was talking about a friend date, I mean her roommate is my sister and my roommate is her boyfriend," he says. "True so when?," I ask. "This Sunday, 8:00pm," he says.

"Diamond can I talk to you?," Danny asks. "Sure," she replies they go to her room. "You wanna go in my room and cuddle?," I ask. "Though you would never ask," we both stand and go to my room.

"SJ, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now, I know we've been on and off for like a year now and now that I have you I don't ever wanna lose you," he starts. "Are you proposing?," I ask worried. "No wipe the worry away, I'm not proposing, yet," he puts the last part quickly.

"SJ what I'm saying is I love you," he looks into my eyes. "I love you too," I freely speak. He crashes his lips onto mine with passion. "Plus I'm not proposing til we're out of college," he says.

"Ok," I say and we fall back and cuddle.

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