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Chapter 20:
Ryker and I's 3 month anniversary is in 4 days, how time flies. Today is the start of winter break, and we're going back home. Ryders supposed to be coming, him and Tiffany broke up. Sam and James are coming, Tyler, Taylor, Sky, and Calvin are stuck in Alaska where they were playing a gig.

Callie's coming, Noah's gonna be in London so Mads is coming alone.

We exit the plane, and drive to my house first. As I pull in, Ryker does also we see V and Ryan outside playing in the snow once we get out they run to us. "Hey guys," I say. "Hey," Ryan says. "What's up little man," Ryker greets his brother and they hug.

"ZJ told us to ask you some manority questions before you can enter," she says. They run on the porch and grab a pencil and paper. "Are you pregnant?," Ryan says. "Uhh no," he writes a x.

"Are you married?," V asks. "No," she writes a x. "Are you back together?," I nod and they fight over who writes the check. "You get one too," Ryan says to his older brother.

"Hit me," he says. "Did you get any girl pregnant while being at college?," he asks. "Nope," he simply responds. "Are you married to a girl?," he asks. He shakes his head. "Have you cheated on SJ?," Ryan asks. "Never," Ryker says kissing my head.

"You may enter take these with you," V says. We grab the clipboards and head inside. Once we're inside we spot ZJ in the kitchen. "Surveys really?," I hand him mine and Rykers. "I'm happy with the answers," he smiles. "Welcome home," he pulls me into a bone crushing hug and does a bro hand shake with Ryker.

We walk into the living room and see my mom and dad and his dad. "Hello parents," I greet. My parents stand and hug me. "Welcome back son," Daniel says. He nods. "So how's your relationship going?," dad asks. "We're great," I say. "So am I grandma yet?," my mom asks.

"What no," I sit down. "Why does everyone assume I'm pregnant?," I cross my arms. "You were away with your boyfriend with no parents," my mom says. "She's still a kid herself, we couldn't possibly have one," Ryker says. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Real mature sweetie," my dad says. Rykers phone dings. "I gotta go," he says hurrying to stand. He quickly pecks my lips and leaves. "Hmm that was weird," my mom says. "Yea," I reply. What is up with him?

About a hour later Ryker sends me a picture of a baby.

Who's baby?

My mom had a baby her names Dakota

She's adorable

Thanks, I'll be there in 30 minutes.


I shut off my phone and walk in the living room. "Cassie had a baby," I say looking at Daniel. He doesn't move, he looks frozen. "Well?," my dad asks. "It's a girl, her names Dakota, that's why Ryker left so fast," I sit beside Daniel.

"Yea her and that Don guy got married," Daniel says. He sips his hot cocoa. My doorbell rings and I open it revealing Mads, "hey girl," I hug her and feel a bump in her belly. "You aren't?," I ask. "Surprise I'm pregnant," she says.

I smile and congratulate her. "Noah must be thrilled," I say. "Yea he can't wait," she smiles.

Ryker got home and congratulated Mads. Ryder arrives next. "Mads is pregnant i for sure thought it was gonna be SJ," he says. "What the hell?," I say. "We Smiths are very fertile," Daniel says. "Ryder don't you have a child?," I ask.

He goes silent, "yea shut up," I roll my eyes. "Whatever," he mumbles. "So now that we established that SJ is not pregnant with anyone's child, can I get some hot chocolate?," I ask.

"Are you 100% sure your not pregnant, it took me 2 months to figure it out," she says. "I'm. Not. Pregnant.," I deadpan. "Ok so sister-in-law, how's school?," Ryder asks. "Good," I simply reply.

The doorbell rings, I open and see Sam. "Omg hey," she says pulling me into a hug. She walks into the kitchen and hugs everyone. "Really?," she asks Mads. "Yea," she says. "Congrats," they hug again. "In all honesty I thought it was gonna be-," I cut her off. "Well surprise it's not me," I say.

"Oh baby, don't pout," Sam squishes my cheeks. I smack her hands away, my mom hands me my hot chocolate and I thank her. "So how far along?," I ask her. "5 months," she says. "Isn't y'all's anniversary coming up?," Mads asks.

"Yup our 3 month is in 4 days," Ryker says excited. He kisses me. "Then when we get back to LA we can act like a couple in public and not just on campus," I say. "I'm surprised nobody's told the media," Ryder says. "Yea same, considering how many girls hit on Ryker," I shrug.

"Any actually did anything?," Sam asks. "There was this girl Jessie," I start. "Here we go again, thanks a lot Sam," he says. "Like I was saying, it was like 3 months ago, he brought this girl back to my dorm, MY dorm, we were on the couch and she basically tried to join there skin together, then she started touching his thigh while I was right there," I roll my eyes.

"Dude," Ryder laughs. "We weren't officially together, and she seemed cool," he says. "Any new friends?," Sam asks. "Well our roommates are twins, Diamond and Danny, she's cool and has a girlfriend Gabby, Danny's a flirt who's secretly in love with his sister bestfriend but she won't allow it, Jack is the chill stoner one, Nash is the athlete who can barely hang, and Mathews is the shy one at first but once you get to know him he's cool," I say.

"They sound cool," I hear a voice. "Callie!," I run and hug her. "Can't breath," she says. She hugs everyone. "How you doing?," she asks Mads rubbing her belly. "Good, nauseous but good," she replies.

"You knew?," I ask. "I was the first one to know," she says laughing. We all sit and catch up. God I missed them so much. "So Ryder how's having a daughter?," I ask. "Exhausting, since Tif and I broke up I get her in the afternoon since Tif has afternoon classes and I have morning, and all she does is cry, but she's adorable," he explains.

"I can't wait to meet her and spoil her, I've always wanted a child to spoil," I say. "Just have your own," Callie says. "Negative, but Ryders will subdue," I smirk. "I feel like you too would be great parents if it actually came down to it," Mads says.

"Yea," Ryker says. "Your not suppose to agree with them," I whisper. "They said we would not we should right now," he whispers back. "Hey bro did you see Moms baby?," Ryker ask Ryder. "Yea she's adorable," he says. "Your mom had another baby?," Sam asks. "Yea," they explain.

"What's your daughters name?," I ask. "River," he replies. "A-dor-bs," I reply. "Your gonna give me baby fever," I admit. "Don't get any ideas," Ryker warns.

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