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6 years later

"Mrs. Smith your getting a call from Smith corporation," Josie says, "thank you Jo," I say and she transfers my call to me, "I'm at work what's wrong?," I ask, "nothing just wanted to hear your voice," he never fails to put a smile on my face.

Ryker owns a realtor company and I work as a lawyer, I'm the manager so I get away with quite a few things, like personal calls.

He had the option after college to be a professional football player, but he politely declined, because of our kids. He hated not being around them for to long, it's honestly adorable.

"Are you picking the girls up from school or shall I, Wyatt foreclosed on the last house we needed for the contract and we can't do anything til Monday," he explains. "Well I get off in 20, we should all go out to dinner," I explain and he agrees.

"Meet me at the condo, and we can drive together," I say, "ok love you," he says, "love you too," is my reply before hanging up the phone.

"I'm off," I yell 20 minutes after my phone call, "Mrs. Smith, you have a board meeting Sunday," Josie says, "ok text me the time," I say grabbing my stuff and walking out.

I walk up to Ryker who's leaning against his Tesla, I kiss him and we walk in together. "Hey boy," I say to Tyson while rubbing his heads, "You wanna go for a walk?," i asks and he wags his tail, "go get your leash and take it to Ry," i says and he run to grab his leash and find Ryker.

I take a shower, and put on a pink romper, with some pink Jordan's. I walk out the bathroom and see Ryker in basketball shorts and a white t-shirt with a money bear on it. "Ready?," he asks and I nod.

"Be a good boy," I tell Tyson before giving him a treat and walking out.

We pull up to the girls school and all of the students big sisters and brothers look at us like we're familiar. Ryker goes up to the front desk and the lady flirts with him per usual and he pays no attention to her what So ever.

"Daddy," I hear Rory say, "Mommy," Lia exclaims loser than Rory. Yea Rory use to cry more but Lia is definitely louder, "Hey princess," I say kissing there heads, "how was school?," Ryker asks holding Lia's hand while she holds Rory's whose holding mine.

"Good, Mrs. Summers is nice and really pretty, she's only 26," Lia says, "yea?," Ryker asks. "Yea but not as pretty as mommy," Rory says and smiles at me.

We put them in the back seat and buckle them in, "can we watch frozen?," Lia asks and Ryker puts it on. "Do you guys wanna go out to dinner?," i asks and they say yea excitedly.

"We have to get your brother first," Ryker says turning into the daycares, parking. 5 minutes later he comes out with our son, Roman.

He's 3 years old and goes to daycare next year he'll be in preschool.

Ryker buckles him in his seat before hopping in the driver seat, "where do you guys wanna go?," he asks, "chipotle," Lia says and we all agree.

We get ourselves and the girls kids meals and Roman a kids meal with chips, he usually unravels the wrap and eats the chicken and finishes it off with chips.

They all got juice while I got Dr. Pepper and Ry got Sprite. "Mrs. Gemma said daddy's cute," Rory tells, "did she?," Ryker asks, and they nod.

"Well tell her mommy said he's married," I say and they smile at me. "Roman," I say and he looks up at me and I snap a picture of him smiling at me with guacamole on his face.

We all laugh at him and Ry wipes his face off with a wipe.

After we're finished eating, we head back to the condo. The girls share a room and Roman has his own room, at first the girls didn't like that he had his own room but got use to it after a while.

Diamond and Sky are coming over tonight and bringing there daughter, Lily. They adopted her 3 years ago when she was 2, she's five now and around the girls age.

Today's Friday and the kids don't have school tomorrow so we decided to just relax and watch movies.

The doorbell rings and Diamond and Sky walk in after Lily who basically ran to Ryker, she loves him cause he spoils her. He spoils all the kids, River, Lily, Lia, Rory, Roman, and Naomi, he's there 'favorite' uncle. Well atleast that's what they say.

He secretly hands her a twenty and she puts it in her shorts pocket, like we all didn't just see that.

"Aunt DD and Aunt Sky," Lia and Rory say at the same time and hug them. "Hey guys," they say and return the hugs.

After everyone gets comfortable, we all lay down. Thank god for our 3 couches, the girls got one then Ryker and I and Sky and Diamond.

Roman started crying in his play pin so I decided to pick him up and lay him on my chest, we all decided on the new Tom and Jerry movie and we all happily watched it.

When the movie was finished, all the kids were asleep, we knew that was gonna happen so we decided to let Lily stay here for the night and they pick her up Sunday.

I carry Roman to his spider-man bead and lay him down before pulling the covers over his small body and kissing his forehead. "Goodnight, love you," I whisper before flicking the light out and walking out.

As I'm walking down the stairs, I see Ryker walking up holding Lia bridal style carrying her into her bed.

"This was fun we should do this more often," they say talking about movie night, "yea we should," I agree and hug them before they leave.

We switch off with the kids every weekend, but sometimes on our weekend, Danny and Jade have Lily, they can't handle all 4 kids at once.

I start picking up the blankets and throwing them in the laundry room basket while Ryker takes the last child up the stairs. I pick up the extra popcorn that Tyson hasn't already ate, but once I finish, he hauls himself upstairs and into Roman's room.

There the best's of friends, it's actually so cute. Tyson use to sneak into Romans room in the middle of the night and lay beside his bed and sleep there, once we caught Roman in Tysons bed with him.

So we decided to just put his bed in Roman's room and it was better than the living room.

"So all the kids are asleep before 12 it's a win for us," Ryker says kissing me. "I'm going to hop in the shower wanna join?," I ask and his face lights up, "would I?," he says excited.

He may have the body of an adult but he has the mind of a teenager. I love him to death and I couldn't live without him, he's a great father to our kids.

I couldn't imagine anyone else to fulfill his role in mine and our children's life.

And that's a wrap on 'Bad Boys Beauty', I will be editing the errors slowly so bare with me.

If this story gets over 5k views, I'll do a sequel.

But for now make sure you be on the look out for other books. Go read my book 'the mafia heirs' accident.

I just wanna thank everyone that has read my story. This story currently has 1.07k reads, wow, I'm completely freaking out.

Thank you for taking time out of your morning/day/night to read my story and support me on Wattpad.

Writing was never really a passion of mine til I started really getting into it during quarantine 2020.

Those stories are now deleted due to some bad behavior revolving around the person the fanfic was written about, those stories are 10000% deleted and will never return.

Please leave your opinion in the comments, and hit that star.

Much love,

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