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Chapter 31:

•February 12th, 2022, 10:56pm•

"Don't think about it just push," Ryker says, "don't your hunk I'm trying," I yell. "Push," the doctor says, I push harder and I don't hear crying.

"First one's out," he says, "the other doesn't seem quiet Ready," he explains holds the baby up, she has the same eyes as Ryker, she's cute.

"Why didn't she cry?," I ask, "I guess cause she didn't want to, but she seems perfectly healthy," he says content.

About 10 minutes later I'm pushing again, I heard a little cry and it was the sweetest thing. "It's over you did it," Ry says smiling.

"What are there names?," the nurse asks, "the first one is Aurelia Hope Smith, and the seconds is Aurora Joy Smith," I smile, "Dads last name rarely happens," the nurse says.

"Well she's gonna have it to soon so why not?," he says nonchalantly, the nurse and I look at each other. "When will we be able to leave?," I ask, I hate hospital.

•February 15th, 2022, 9:48pm•

Today I get to go home, "what do you mean no sex for 2 weeks, I went 9 months," he says frustrated, "then what's 2 more weeks," the doctor says and walks out.

"Well shall we get going?," I ask and he lifts one carrier and I get the other, he straps the baby's in and I sit in the car and he takes about 3 minutes to load all the stuff we brought.

The streets of L.A are beautiful at night especially the Hollywood sign, I look back and see Aurelia and Aurora asleep, I smile and Ryker puts his hand on my thigh. "They're beautiful, they look like you," he says.

"They may have my hair but they have your eyes," I explain and he nods.

We arrive at our condo in no time, we both get on the elevator with the babies. I open the door and see Tyson laying in his bed looking at us, I set the baby on the couch and Ryker does the same.

Aurelia is first to get up, the only way we noticed was because her big blue eyes were looking at me. Then Aurora gets up crying making Aurelia cry and now there both crying, "maybe there hungry," I say and he reaches in the diaper bags and pulls out 2 bottles, we made them right before we left in case we needed them in the car.

I pick up Aurora since she's fussier, and Ryker gets Aurelia. "See 3 days and we're already killing it," he says sarcastically, they finish there bottles and we burp them and change them before putting them in there princess cots in our bedroom.

I turn around and see Ryker looking at me hungrily, "two weeks," I say, "he said sex nothing about making out," I walk over and wrap my arms around him. "And maybe other things that don't involve sex," I say smirking.

He kisses me, and I kiss back with the same force. Our lips feel perfect for each other, like they were made to be together, ours tongues slapped against each other's wanting dominance, we eventually make it to the couch.

He lays me on my back, "lift up," he says and I oblige, he lifts my shirt off and goes back in for a kiss, he moves his way to my jaw then my ear and nibbles on it making me giggle. Before he could get to my neck my phone rings, he groans.

"Hello?," I say picking up the phone, "Are you guys ok? No ones answered in 3 days," Sam says quickly, "yea we're fine, I had the twins," I skeptically say since she lost her baby a few weeks before we left for L.A. "congrats you too," she says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Thanks," Ry starts sucking on my neck, "Ry," I say loosing all my breath, "it seems I interrupted something, don't wanna cockblock, I'll tell everyone the good news, I shall see you in a little,"she says before hanging up.

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