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Chapter 24:

I wake up with a headache, not a hangover headache just a headache and I feel a little sick, I try and get Ryker's arm from around my waist, "stop moving," he says in a low, deep voice.

"I have a headache and I feel sick," my voice comes out weird cause of my stuffy nose, "what time is it?," he asks, I look at my phone, "6:50am," i exclaim.

"Stores don't open til 8 baby, but as soon as they do I'll get you some medicine," he says and kisses my forehead. "Jesus your burning up," he says and sits up.

"I know I'm smoking hot," I say and sneeze, "Who's sneezing?," I hear Sam yell, she's such a weirdo, "SJ's sick," Ryker yells, "she's a big baby when she's sick," she says.

"No I'm not," I protest, "yea you are," she says coming in, "I think there's a gas station station the road that opens at 7, go get her some medicine," she says.

"What no Your pregnant, I don't wanna get you sick," i says an sneeze into a tissue, "I'll be fine," Ryker goes in the bathroom, and does his business.

Before he can get out the door, she says the unbearable, "grab a pregnancy test, maybe 2," she yells, and he freezes. "Ok I guess," he says, "there's no need, I'm not pregnant," I explain.

I know my body and there's no way there's a baby in there. "I'm just gonna grab some to be sure," he says and leaves. GREAT JUST G-R-E-A-T.

20 minutes goes by and he comes back, "down the street is 15 minutes away Sam," he says and hands me a bag.

With 5 pregnancy tests, "you bought 50$ worth of pregnancy tests," i exclaim a little louder than expected.

"Whatever I'll take them when I feel better," i says and take my medicine. "But what if you are pregnant and the medicine is slowly killing the baby," he says pacing.

I read the box, pregnancy safe, "the box says pregnancy safe," I explain, "thank god," he says.

"Baby I'm tired," I say whining, "I bet you are you went to sleep at 3 and woke up at 6," he says. "Cuddles?," I ask, "Sure," he says and Sam leaves.

He slips off his shoes and clothes, leaving him in boxers, "goodnight," I mumble in his chest, "You mean good morning," he chuckles and I can feel the vibration from his chest, and that was the last thing I heard before falling into a slumber.

I'm awoken by a baby crying, Jesus River you sure are loud, Ryker and I both get up. After some protesting of course, "is she ok? Did you feed her?," Ryker asks yawning, "yea I genuinely don't know what's wrong and I'm freaking out man," he says running around the house.

He grabs bottles, diapers, onesies, toys, and everything a baby wants, "I don't know what's wrong," he yells and it makes the baby cry even harder.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes patting her back, she continues to cry, "Have you tried a pacifier?," I ask, "she doesn't take them," he explains.

"What about, nevermind she's not old enough," I say.

"I fed her, I changed her, I gave her a bath, what else does she want?," he asks, "let me see her," I say holding my hands out, "your sick," Ryker says swatting my hands like I'm a 5 year old.

"Ryker," I say in a tone for him not to challenge me, he surrenders. Ryder hands River to me and I pay her back and she calms down, I walk around and pay her back until she falls asleep.

I put her down in Ryder's room and go back in the hall, "I feel like I'm failing her as a father," he says looking at the door, "no your not," I say.

"I couldn't even get her to stop crying, it seems like your the better parent and your not even a parent," he says, "when the adult is calm the baby is calm, You we're worked up so it worked her up," I explain.

"Thanks, your a great sister you know that," he says and engulfs me in a hug. "Yea I do," I say and hug him back, "to long break it up," Ryker says walking up the stairs, "you have to take your medicine again anyways," he says and practically forces me into the bathroom where the medicine is.

I pop the pill in my mouth and down it with water. Gosh, that sounded like I have an addiction or something. "Now it says the sneezing and congestion makes you sleepy," he warns me.

"Ok I'm probably gonna lay in here and watch Netflix anyways," I say, "and you are gonna go have fun," I continue, and he tries to protest.

"Just because I'm sick doesn't mean you can't have fun," I explain and turn on Netflix, "I'm good, if my baby sick then I'm gonna be here for her," he says and I smile.

"What did I do to deserve you?," I ask, "you prayed a lot, probably every night," he say's cockily, "your delusional," I say.

"But you love my delusional ass," he says, "I do," i says and peck his lips quickly, "I love you too," he says and wraps his arms around me while we watch TVD, "Caroline's actually kind of hot after she's a vampire," he says.

"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes, "so you can get annoyed cause I said a girls hot, but you have a whole list of hot guys in this show," he speaks nothing but facts. "Ok fine," i says and continue to watch my show.

It took me 2 days to get over my sickness, right now Ryker and Sam want me to take a pregnancy test, why do kind of wanna be pregnant.

I mean I love Ryker and I see how happy he looks with River, but we're in our first year of college.

I don't know, but we'll see.

I mean Ryder's in college but he has River and Mads is still in college and she's pregnant. "You gone take the test now?," Sam asks breaking me out of my thoughts, "yea," I say and walk into her bathroom.

Once I'm in the bathroom, I lock the door, I do my business in a cup and take the dropper and put it on all 5 of them.

5 minutes, 5 minutes, just 5 minutes. I start pacing back and forth.

This was the longest five minutes of my life, I open the door and see Ryker and Sam looking at me and a tear falls.

"Sam can you give us a minute?," he asks looking at his hands, "yea of course," she says smiling weakly at me, and leaves.

Ryker goes in the bathroom and comes back out with the tests, "there all negative," he says, "I know," i says and sit on the bed with my knees to my chest.

"Baby what's wrong?," he asks wrapping his arm around me, "I guess a little glimpse of me, wanted them to be positive," I explain, "I know but we're in our first year of college, we travel a lot for modeling and we have a lot on our plates, we'll know when the times right," he says and kisses my forehead.

"Yea, your right," I smile a little.

We'll know when the times right.

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