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Chapter 19:
"Where you headed?," paparazzi asks.

"Lunch with a friend," I say. "Would that friend be Ryker Smith," he makes a statement. "Yes in fact," I get in my car and drive to the place. He stands up, "paparazzi followed me," I state and he plays it off.

We look out the window and see paparazzi taking pictures. "We're gonna be on insiders scoop," I smile at him. "I don't care," he says slowly. "Whatever so how's LA?," I ask sipping my ice tea. "Good, it's a warm place," he says.

"I wanna kiss you so badly," he says nonchalantly smiling. "Dude public place," I say. "We're going on a date tonight be ready by 9pm," he says as we stand up. He walks me out to my car and the same guy comes back.

"Hey SJ," he says again. "Hey.....," I trail off. "Fletcher," he introduces. "Hey Ryker," he says to Ry who I forgot was there. "Hey dude, nice to meet you but I really gotta get back to campus," he says jogging to his car.

I start mine and drive to campus.

Once I arrive I see Diamond and Gaby making out on the couch. "I brought coffee," I say. "Ok sit it down on the table, and Jades coming over," Diamond says. "Danny and Ryker are to," I say walking into my room and put away my clothes.

30 minutes later, Ryker and Danny walk in with 2 girls. I look confused and so does Jade, "everyone this is Piper," Danny says. "And this is Jessica but just call her Jessie," Ryker says.

"Hi I'm Diamond and this is SJ, welcome to our dorms," she shakes theirs hands. "Omg your like so pretty you could be a model," Jessie fake smiles. "Thanks I am a model," I say giving her a 'hah in your face' look.

"Well I'm gonna go get the drinks," I walk into the kitchen. 2 seconds later Ryker walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and I shake him off. "What's up?," he has concern laced in his voice.

"What's up? You literally brought another girl into my dorm," I deadpan. "Oh her she's chill, I met her on campus," he replies. "She doesn't seem to like me," I say and he wraps his arms around my waist once again.

He kisses my neck. "Stop I have to go give them there drinks," I say. "Let them be thirsty," he whispers in my ear. "There guests Ry," I turn around. "I. Don't. Care," he says in between kisses.

I roll my eyes and go into the living room the only seats are beside Jessie, I sit on the far end making Ryker sit in the middle. "I'm cold," Jessie complains and wraps her arm around Ryker and lays her head on his shoulder.

Everyone's eyes widen, "what should we watch?," I ask. "Uhh Jaws?," Danny asks. "I hate scary movies," Jessie says. "Ok then Toy Story," I suggest. "Already watched," Jessie says.

"How about titanic?," Piper asks shyly. "Yea that's a good one," everyone agrees. I turn it on the tv. I grab a blanket and wrap it around Ryker and I and somehow Jessie got some to.

Halfway through the movie, Ryker tenses and starts breathing weirdly. "You good," I ask. "No, she's rubbing my thigh a little to high," he replies. "Ummm I'm not hot anymore," I say and burrito take the blanket off.

"Same," he does the same leaving Jessie with the blanket, and she removes her hand.

"Where's your bathroom?," Jessie asks. "Down the hall," Gaby says. She unlatches herself and goes to the bathroom, Ryker puts his arm around me and I snuggle into his chest, I yawn.

"Go to sleep your tired, ill wake you up when the movies over," he says and kisses my head. "Why are y'all goals?," Jade asks. "I don't know," I reply, I look up and see Ryker blushing.

I intertwine our hands using his free hand. Before I know it I'm asleep.

I'm awoken by someone shaking me. "Hey SJ the movies over," Ryker says. "10 more minutes," I snuggle closer. Someone clears there throat, I open one eye and see everyone's gone except Danny, Piper, and Jessie.

"I'll come back," we both get up and Jessie smirks. I wrap my hand around Rykers neck and start leaning in he does also. We kiss until someone clears there throat, we pull apart and see Jessie fuming. I smirk, "sorry," I apologize.

"I gotta take them back to there dorm then I'll be back," he kisses my forehead and grabs his jacket.

10 minutes later he arrives. "Hey so you ready for our date?," he asks. "I mean if it's dress casual then yea," I say. While he was gone I dressed up in a casual outfit.

We head over to a cliff. "Please don't kill me I haven't even started college he'll at least let me drop out and have children," I joke. "I can give you a child," he winks. I freeze. "Kidding ok I'm kidding," he laughs. "Unless you want to," he mumble.

I punch his shoulder, "shut up, but our kids would be cute," I say and chuckle. We sit down, "yea they would have your eyes hopefully," he says. "My eyes are green and your are blue, I like yours better," I whine. "Whatever," he shakes his head.

"I want a boy first," I look into the city, "then a girl," I smile. "Yea that would be cool, let's make a pact," he says. I nod signaling to continue, "if we're both single at thirty, we'll have kids together," he says. "Deal," I shake his hand.

After we finish eating our McDonald's, we just sit there in silence. "It's 11:11 make a wish," he says. I wish this night would never end. "Ok same to you," I say. "I wish you would be my girlfriend," he says looking at me. "You serious?"

"Yea I've been wanting to do it since forever but I didn't know how to do it until yesterday," he sighs. "So?," he says. "Of course," I smile and he kisses me.

45 minutes later, we head over to my dorm. I walk in and flick on the lights. "Where's Diamond?," Ryker asks hanging up his jacket. "She's at her girlfriend for the night," I smirk.

We both chuck off our shoes and instantly lock lips.

I'm awoken by someone screaming in the living room. "DUDE KEEP YOUR CLOTHES IN YOUR ROOM," I hear my roommate yell. "Ooh you have a guy over, do I need to tell Ryker your cheating on him? Well your technically not together so I won't tell if you won't," she says.

I quickly hop up and chuck on my sports bra and shorts. I walk and see the clothes in a pile at my door, i chuck them into my room with a sleeping Ryker.

"Bro shut up," I groggily say. I make coffee, "so tell me the deets," she says. "Well I went on a date last night, we ate and came back here," I explain with minimal details. "I need more than that who's in your room?," she yells.

"I was trying to sleep," I hear a husky voice come down the hall. "Hey Ry, good morning," Diamond says. "Morning," I look up and see Ryker with no shirt on and low shorts with messy bed hair.

"So how was you night?," she asks Ryker. "Good," he simply replies. He walks over sets me on the counter. "Where's you pans?," he asks. "Bottom right," I say. He grabs a pan and some butter.

"Do you have pancake mix?," he asks. "Yea beside the fridge," I reply. "I jump off the counter and go into my room. I grab my phone and see a message from Sam.

Hey how's college?

Great classes haven't started yet

So how are you and Ryker?

Last Night he asked me to be his girlfriend


Gotta go he's cooking

I set my phone down and go back in the kitchen, Rykers making pancakes while Diamonds in the shower. I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, "I could have burnt myself," he turns slightly and puts his arm around me.

"I'm meeting Brandon and Josie today, you wanna tag?," I get all giddy when he agrees. "So you know how we're officially together and everything, well when should we tell the internet?," he asks.

"Hmm 1 months to early 5 months to late so 3," I say. He nods agreeing.

We finish eating breakfast and we take a shower, separately obviously. I gave him the address to there office while he was walking out, I kissed him goodbye and told Diamond everything except some things before I left to meet Brandon and Josie.

There's gonna be a huge time jump trust letting you know,,

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