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Chapter 27:

Everyone been asking me where's Ryker like I'm supposed to know, jeez.

Today I fly home for the week, I finished my school work and now it's time for a break, my plane just landed.

"Hey girlie," I say hugging Sam, "Hey how ya been?," she asks, "good," I say half lying.

It's been a month since the breakup, last I heard he had a new girlfriend, but I don't care, "so our families are having a welcome home dinner for you," she says smiling.

"Ok," I say gulping, "great," she says and drives to my house.

"Hey everyone," I say hugging everyone, "how are you?," Ryder asks, "good," I say hugging him, I walk in the living room and see a baby, "oh SJ this is Dakota, my daughter," Cassie says, "can I hold her?," I ask.

"Yea of course," she says and I sit down, the doorbell rings, I walk over and open it, "hi I'm AJ," she says all peppy, she's about 5"6, she has the sane eyes and hair as me, but hers is obviously dyed.

"I'm SJ, welcome to my home," I say and back up for her, then Ryker walks in behind her, "hi," I say in almost a whisper, "Hey," he responds and keeps on pushing.

We all sit down for dinner, "everyone I would like you to meet my girlfriend AJ," he announces, every one blinks and looks from me to her. Honesty I'm creeped out to, "hi," she says turning red from the attention.

"So AJ, what do you do for a living?," Cassie asks, "I'm a model," she says, "omg same," I say smiling at her, trying not to laugh. "What school do you go to?," my dad asks, "Well I finished high school just last week now I'm going to UCLA," she explains.

I snicker, "something funny SJ?," my mom asks, "no I was trying to not sneeze," I explain.

Dinner with 'AJ' was cool, she had to leave early though, she had to watch her little sister, once she left, Ryker was right behind her angry as ever. Wait what happened?

"What's up with Ry?," I ask Sam who he was talking to a few minutes ago, "I told him why you to broke up," she explains, "what?!," I practically yell, "I'm sorry you both seemed so miserable without each other," she explains.

"You just gave Leo a death wish," I say angry at her, I grab my car keys and head to his house using the back way, please let me get there before him.

Once I arrived I was to late, the door was wide open, I walk in and see Ryker on top of Leo, punching him over and over, "You fucking kissed my girlfriend-punch- when she didn't- punch- want it, then you- punch- choked her," he punches him again.

I'm finally out of my haze, "Ryker Stop, please," I yell, he continues, "RYKER ADAMS SMITH GET OFF YOUR COUSIN NOW!," I hear his mom yell.

He looks at me all shaken up and at his serious mother, his expression softens. He stands up and Leo spits out blood, looking like he just got in a car wreck. He's barely conscious, he's going in and out of it.

I can't do anything but stare, "THATS WHY YOU BROKE UP WITH ME TO COVER FOR HIS SLIMEY ASS," he yells and a i back away from fear, "this is what I wanted to avoid drama, that's why I broke up with you, i pitied him, I wasn't covering for him," I find my voice.

"What did Leo do?," his dad asks appearing out of no where, "do you wanna tell him or shall I?," he asks and leaves no room for me to talk, "he forcefully kissed SJ then fucking chocked her til she blacked out at the lake house," he says getting angry again.

"YOU WHAT?," they say in unison, "he was drunk, but that doesn't justify his actions," I start looking at them then I turn to Ryker, "you guys are the only family he has and I didn't wanna live with the conscious of him alone in this world, cause it's a cruel place out there, I couldn't live with my self knowing that I'm the reason," I start choking up.

"SJ you blacked out," he says, "I know and nothing happened, I blacked out and he took me to the bed," I explain. "I forgave him so hopefully y'all can to, I hate holding grudges," I say and make my way to the door.

Ryker follows behind me, as I'm getting to my car, I see a yellow bug pull up and AJ gets out and walks towards me, "what happened?," she asks me, "I called Ryker like 7 times he didn't answer," she explains.

"Ryker's at the door and I forgot my keys," I say and we walk together to the door where Ryker is, "Are you ok?," she asks wrapping her arms around his waist, I smile at him happy, well I think he's happy.

I walk inside and look for my keys, "Your not driving in your state," Cassie says holding my keys, from the time I've been around, you shouldn't argue with her.

I simply nod, I look over and Leo's gone, probably upstairs with Daniel, getting cleaned up.

I sit down beside Cassie, "where's Dakota?," I ask, "she's with Don back at our place, I'm giving your keys to Dan, you can get them back in the morning," she says and walks upstairs.

Ryker and AJ eventually go upstairs and I do the same, about 2 hours later I hear yelling. WTH?

Dan is asleep and Cassie left, "babe I'm sorry," he pleads, I walk out my room and into the hallway where they are, "You fucking called me SJ," she yells at him, "you know I knew you were only using me cause I looked like her, same hair sane eyes, basically same name, I bet you don't even know my real name!," she yells.

"Uhh April?,"he says sheepishly, "it's Ashley you asshole, you know what, don't call me don't text me, don't ever try to contact me again," she says and runs downstairs.

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