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Germany woke in a cold sweat, clutching his head. He heard Italy's panicked voice, but didn't register a word. He pressed a kiss to his head, trying to settle him while he gained his surroundings. The coldness around him was a welcome break from the heat of his nightmare. It haunted him. When it had happened he had not felt anything besides the heat, but in his dreams his skin burned to the bone, and there was no way to stop it.

It had been months. He'd gone back home. Most had. Now that America felt safer, he'd gotten rid of most of the defense around his home. Nations visited it now, some curious, some trying to quell their own fears. They had ended up being paid- the household did not have much money, but they did offer something most nations needed: a vacation spot where they didn't have to be around insolent humans.

"It's okay, Feli," he said, rubbing his hair. Feliciano buried his face deeper into his neck. Ludwig relaxed at the feeling, letting out the tension with a sigh. His phone rang, and both nations raised their heads at it.

Ludwig reached out, looking at the contact. Nicanora, the lithe Cuban girl who had saved him from that oven. They spoke sometimes, whenever something interesting happened.

"Hello?" he answered the call. He could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"Everyone is back home," she said, "some of our lawyers have figured out the company and are suing their socks off."

He nodded, understanding that Americans actively enjoyed suing other people for whatever reason.

She laughed, and felt the weight coming off her shoulders. Innu was in the medical ward, getting his forearm bandaged, but that meant little. Everyone was home, and that meant everything. Someone shouted cheers, holding up a pint, and she smiled, weaving through the crowds. The mansions had been dead for too long.

"That is good," he replied. His voice was soft, the cries around her practically drowned it out.

"I was wondering whether you would want to join in on the celebration," she flinched away from a glass being thrown, not sticking around long enough to see it break against the wall, "it will get wild, if you're into that."

He let the phone down from his ear.

"Feli," Ludwig said, and his lover looked at him, his brows furrowed, "do you want to go to a party in the states? They will have booze. I doubt it will be in any way formal."

Feliciano seemed to think for a moment, before shaking his head no. Ludwig nodded, giving a small smile. He understood now, after he and Feliciano had a lengthy conversation, that Feliciano was hurt whenever Ludwig went against what they conversed about, and as a repayment he'd allowed Feliciano to be able to decide whether or not he could go to certain events where his presence was not required.

"No, I'll be in Venice for the weekend," he said. She laughed again.

"Alrighty then," she said, "make sure you tell all your European friends. Besides black sheep of course, Coahoma is very hurt by his bad manners and Zaltana believes he broke the laws of hospitality."

"Of course," he said. They each said their goodbyes, before the phone was hung up and turned to the bedside table. Feliciano wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Venice for the weekend, hm?"

"Of course," he felt him pepper kisses to his throat.

Nicanora yawned, shoving the phone in her pocket. She grabbed a pint, sipping it as she weaved her way out of the room. A few people stopped long enough to sling their arms over her, but she pushed them off quickly, rather urgent to get out. She never really liked big crowds, and big, loud crowds had started to set Vuk off.

She dodged the drunks outside of the hall, stepping over them with practiced grace. She went up the stairs to the seventh floor, knowing there was a certain face there she hadn't seen.

Alfred heard Nicanora knock, unlocking the door with a wave of his hand. It creaked open and she stepped in, her face mellow despite the celebration he heard downstairs and outside. He sighed, facing her. She held a glass of beer in her dominant hand.

Ivan had left about a month ago. He would be gone for a few more months. It made him feel lonely, and slightly on edge. He'd forgotten what it was like to relax without his presence, something he had told Zaltana that made her moan and groan like the world was going to end.

Nicanora smiled at him, giving a polite dip of the head. He returned the gesture, waiting for her to gain her words.

"Don't want to be in the crowd?" she asked. He smiled, and shook his head.

"Hmm... think the party is silly?" no again.

She smiled, "Miss your boyfriend?"

He sighed, sitting back down in his chair. She went to the opposite, sitting down in it. She let out a huff that sounded more like a growl, and he understood why she had left the party. Vuk had never been the same after isolation- now as a safety precaution he was no longer allowed to front. Someone almost got maimed after that had happened.

"What was my tell?"

"Your eyes are sad," she replied, "they're not as bright as they used to be. Have you been taking your pills?"

"There's so many," he chuckled, "I think I have."

"You should get one of those containers," Nicanora smiled, looking out the window, "you know, the ones that little old ladies have."


She laughed. He smiled without thinking- she rarely laughed. Either she was getting drunk, or she was. She took a sip of that beer, placing it on the table. For the first time in a long time, he leaned back and relaxed.

"It's nice to get better, hmm?" she said. The unlocked door was tested, and they looked over as it creaked open. Zaltana stepped in, shaking her head at something someone outside was saying before shutting the door and locking it. Alfred tilted his head, amused.

"Hey, bastard," she said, smirking. Alfred flipped her off, "Come on. I wanna get drunk. There's no reason not to, but there is reason to, da? You agree, don't you, Nikya?"

Nicanora groaned, "I'm going to bed early tonight. It'll make it easier to clean up the vomit tomorrow."

"Ugh, fine. Diya?"

"You know what?" he said, "Fuck it. I'm coming, just- just let me put some shoes on."

Zaltana smiled.

"Well, you better hurry. I had this bright idea of going to go visit Ivan tomorrow morning, and it'll be no fun teleporting there if you aren't majorly hungover."

He laughed. Nicanora looked down at the beer glass in her hands. Yes, things had changed. But at least things could be better.

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