1 - A train

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If you have read the last version, yes, I started this again... sorry if you liked the last one more but I didn't like it so I decided to start again. Hopefully you like this as well <3


"How can I help you?" "No, I'm good thanks." "Have a nice day!" "Do you wanna receipt?" "Yes, sure!" "I'm sorry, but we don't have... yeah, but..." "Ma'am I am really sor-"

I've looked at all the customers the whole morning. The girl behind the counter looks so frustrated. I took a deep breath and leaned back. My train was late but it was okay. I don't have to rush anywhere. I can just take a moment for myself and sit here with my backpack and just wait. "Here", Hunter said as he handed a smoothie to me. "Thanks", I said and Hunter sat next to me. "So, our train is like two hours late", he said and I agreed. "You are going to be home at midnight if even then", he said looking at the timetable. "Yeah", I said and brushed my hair away from my face. "Do I come with you?" He asked and bit his croissant. "No, I'll be okay", I said and sipped the smoothie. "You sure?" Hunter asked and I nodded. "How about Alex?" He asked and I took a deep breath. "I'll be okay", I repeated. "Okey then", Hunter said giving up with me. I don't really know will I be okay if I meet Alex. "Train number 136 is broken. The next train will be here at 6 pm, sorry for the waiting." I glanced at Hunter. "What are we gonna do now?" He asked and I shrugged. "We could", I explored the train station with my eyes. "Go somewhere?" I suggested. "Yeah, well I'm not going to sit here for like fucking eight hours", Hunter said standing up. "Let's go then", I said and we walked out of the train station.

We found an amusement park in the middle of nowhere. "Should we go! It could be really fun!" I said almost jumping like a little kid. "Okay, we can go there", Hunter said. I love amusement parks! "Let's go already!!" I said when he was walking too slowly. We bought tickets and went in. There were so many devices. "Okay! Where are we going first!" I was so excited. "How about that", Hunter pointed to one of the rollercoasters. "Yeah!" I agreed and we went. It was a really fun ride and I enjoyed every second of it. We roamed through many and many more devices until we were both pretty tired and hungry. "Should we eat something?" Hunter asked and I nodded.

We walked into some restaurant and both of us ordered pizza. I took a mozzarella one and Hunter got a salami pizza. We were kinda silent when we waited until Hunter spoke up: "Hey, so what's going on between you and Alex right now?" I blinked my eyes. "Well, he's my ex and he wants still be with me even though he cheated on me with eleven girls", I said and shrugged. "Eleven? how long you were together?" Hunter asked. "Two months", I said and Hunter's eyes winced. "Woah he's such an asshole", he said and I nodded. "He is."

After we ate we walked back to the train station and sat down on a bench. "So half an hour", Hunter said and I nodded as I leaned back. "Yeah", I said and took my phone from my pocket. Alex had called me 23 times. "Hanging out with Hunter." I wrote and then shut my phone. "Did you have fun?" I asked then and turned to Hunter. "Yeah! The amusement park was a great idea and we spent much time in there", he said and I nodded.

Our train finally came and we hopped in. "So these are our seats", Hunter read from the tickets. I nodded and sat opposite him putting my smoothie on the table between us. I took my favourite book from my backpack and started reading as the train started moving. Hunter took his headphones and started listening to music. At one point I got sick of reading so I just put the book back and stared at the view from the window.

"It was so a fun day with you, Niki!" Hunter said and reached to hug me over the table between us. "Yeah, it was really fun!" I repeated and hugged him back. "Call me when you are at home!" He said and smiled. "I will! See you!" I said when Hunter waved at me and left the train. After minute new passengers started to flow into the train. There were many peoples. I just decided to read again and took my book. Suddenly guitar started playing quietly and I glanced opposite of me. I saw a guy who was maybe a little bit older than me but a lot taller than me. "Oh I'm so sorry, did I distract your reading", he said when he noticed my staring. His voice was like melted chocolate, soft, warm and silky. "No, no, I just got confused for a second", I said and flashed a little smile at him. "Okay, so I can play?" He asked and I nodded as a response. He smiled and continued playing. I couldn't focus on the book anymore. I just watched how his hands danced on the strings. He stopped. "You are really good", I said so my staring would make sense. "Thank you", he said and his eyes smiled even more than the rest of his face. He started playing again.

The train started moving again and I leaned back lifting my foot on the seat. I looked at the darkness, what the outside was full of. Suddenly I saw from the corner of my eye that the guy has stopped playing and now stared at me. I moved my look from the outside to him. He smiled when I noticed his staring. Then we heard how the announcement started: "Next stop- holy shit, this isn't good."  *big crash noise*

When I opened my eyes I didn't see anything else than that guy's guitar right in front of me. It was so dark and I blinked my eyes a few times before I realized that our train had crashed. Everywhere hurts. I focused on my breathing and tried to stay calm. In a while, I started to hear sirens, and then I don't remember anything else.

words: 1084

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