4 - A letter

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"Will?" A nurse stepped in. "This is for you", he handed a letter to me. "What?" I asked and he nodded. "Just read it", he said and left. I turned my look to Niki who had fallen asleep. She snorted quietly and I kinda adored her. Will, you have a girlfriend... I opened the letter.

Hi Will, it's me, Amy.

We're could have our anniversary next week as you probably remember but I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. All your streaming things and everything, you are too childish and yeah now you are in hospital. I actually cheated on you.

Goodbye Will.

I was speechless. I just stared at the letter and sighed deeply. I felt really empty. "Are you okay?" A weak voice said from my side. I turned my look. Niki rubbed her eyes and looked at me with a small smile. "I think so?" I said and folded the letter. "What is that?" she asked as she laid on her bed. I laid in the exact same position as her. I looked straight at her eyes. "My girlfriend left me", I said and Niki blinked her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry", she whispered. "It's okay, she said that I'm childish and my streaming thing is useless and well everything", I sighed. "Oh", Niki went silent for a second and then said: "If it helps, I think that the streaming thing is really cool." I smiled at her. "Yeah, it helps, thank you Niki", I said and she smiled back. Then a nurse came into our room and did a little check on Niki. "Are you hungry?" The nurse asked then and I had already an idea. "No we're not", I said and glanced at Niki. "Oh, well I am a little", she said but I smiled at her. "You're not", she looked confused. "Trust me", I said then and Niki shrugged. "Okay", she said and the nurse laughed at me. "I think I know what you're going to do, do you wanna key?" He asked and I nodded. "Here", he offered a keycard to me and I thanked him. Niki looked at me with confusion when I stood up. "Would you come with me?" I asked and she blinked. "I look like a shit", she whispered. I looked at myself. I had just my favourite jeans and a hoodie. Niki had her hospital clothes. "Well, you can change if you want!" I said and realized that I sounded really bad. "I- I mean that you look good like that as well but if it makes you feel better of yourself then..." I explained and Niki giggled. "I'll change."

I waited for her in the hallway and after a few minutes, she stepped away from our room. She wore a peach-coloured sweater and a little bit baggy, ripped blue jeans. "So, shall we go?" She asked with a smile. "Yeah, and by the way, you look good!" I said and Niki blushed. "Thanks, Will", she said and we walked to the hall. "Okay, where are we going?" She asked and I smiled. "Follow me", I said and walked towards the exit. "Really Will, where are we going?" Niki was starting to get confused. "The place is very close, don't worry and we will be back in few hours. Everything is under control", I said and stepped outside, Niki following me.

I opened a door for her. "This is a hotel?" She asked confusedly. "Yeah, step in", I said and Niki stepped. "Will! So nice to see you!" My aunt cheered when we walked to the reception. "I got this", I showed the keycard to her. "Oh, you've seen with Mark", she said and smiled. Then she realized Niki with me. "Oh, hi. Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Niki", she said and smiled shyly. "We were in the train crash together", I said and my aunt nodded. "So go on then", she said and smiled at us. I walked towards the lift. "Will, what is this?" Niki was still very confused and kind of angry. "Woah, everything is okay", I smiled. "I don't like this Will", she whispered. That whisper made cold shivers to my back. We stepped into the lift and I pulled Niki close hugging her. "Niki, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just... well you see it very soon? And then I'll explain everything, okay?"


"Okay", I answered and suddenly I felt fully safe. We stepped out onto the highest floor. We walked into the end of the hall and Will pointed at one room. "This is my room", he said with a smile. "Your room?" I was again confused and Will opened the door. He stepped in and I followed him. We left our shoes in the hallway of the room and then stepped in. There was a sign which said: "Even a train crash can't stop you, you're awesome Wilby!! <3 - auntie" "That's for you as well", Will said when he saw that I stopped to read the sign. I smiled at him. And then there was food. "So this was a thing that my aunt did, and the nurse is my aunt's husband Mark, the one who gave me the keycard", he explained and opened a pizza box. "And these are all my favourite foods", he said amazed as he opened the boxes on the table. "I had a birthday a few weeks ago, so I was coming here when the train crash happened, because Kris, my aunt, and Mark had a birthday surprise for me", he explained more. "That's cool", I just commented. "Yeah, it is and now I'm even happier because you are here!" Will said with a big smile. It made me blush.

We ate and I agreed with most of Will's favourite foods. We joked and had a really good time. At one moment I came up with a question: "Hey, do the nurses know we're here?" I asked and Will raised his look from his chips. "Uhm yeah, probably." He mumbled, his mouth full of food. "Probably? What if they're looking for us?" I started panicking. "Well, Mark knows", he realized that he didn't say to anyone else we were leaving. "What if Marks shift has ended?" I asked standing up. "Marks sift ended", he said. "But I don't think it's that big deal", Will added and tapped the floor. "Calm down Niki", he said and smiled. I didn't. "I wanna be worth the trust!"

words: 1078

A/N: I don't know where all this writing inspiration has come, all of the sudden :) But I think that you guys don't mind :D 

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