10 - A big surprise

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Time skip (two weeks)


"Hey, are you okay?" Will knocked on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?" He asked and I opened the door for him. I sat on the bathroom floor looking exhausted and weak. I blinked my eyes as I looked at Wilbur. "Hey", Will sat next to me and hugged me. "Did you vomit again?" He whispered quietly and I sighed. "Yeah", I whispered back. My voice was very shaky. "I think you should go to see a doctor, you've been vomiting this whole week", he said stroking my back while I leaned again to the toilet. "Maybe", I mumbled and Will smiled at me. "Let's go", he said and helped me to get up. My back has started to hurt as well.

"So what is your problem?" The doctor asked with a friendly tone when I sat down in front of him. "Well, I was in the train crash a while ago. This week I started to vomit and I've been very sleepy all the time", I explained and the doctor nodded and wrote something up. "Okay, so I have your information from the hospital where you were after the crash, uhm so you lost your sense of smell?" He read from the computer. "Yeah, I don't smell anything", I answered and he nodded. "I actually think that your vomiting has nothing to do with the train crash", the doctor said and I was really surprised. Then the nurse coughed and go my and the doctor's attention. "When was your last period?"


I sat in the hall and saw some patients walking here and there. Some woman walked carrying her newborn baby and another boy was practicing using a wheelchair.

Niki stepped out from the doctor's office. She was really pale and her whole body was shaking. "Niki, everything wasn't okay, apparently," I said and closed her into my embrace. "You're going to hate me", she mumbled against my chest. "You know that I would never hate you", I answered. "Tell me, Niki", I said and she raised her to look. "You can come in with me", she said then and I nodded slowly.


My hands were so shaky when I lowered the test next to the sink. The nurse said that I have to wait three minutes and those three minutes were the longest three minutes ever. I squeezed my hair in my hands and I was so close to crying. I was way too nervous. I sat on the toilet but I couldn't stay in one place so I stood up and walked a little circle in the bathroom. My thoughts were everywhere I just couldn't focus on one thing. What if I was really pregnant? What if the test will be positive? What Will is going to say? He's going to leave me... he's going to --- two lines.

I stepped back to the office and met Will's gaze. I didn't take the test with me so I turned back to get it. "Okay, what is that?" Will asked when I came back and lowered the test on the desk. The nurse took it immediately and nodded. "Okay, let's take a blood test, then we can be 100% sure", she said and gave the test back to me. "What is it, Niki?" Will asked and I handed the test to him. He looked at it for a moment. "It's a pregnancy test, Will", I explained and Will raised his look to me. "And two lines mean?" He asked. "That Niki is probably pregnant", the nurse said and at that moment I broke down. Both, nurse and Will tried to calm me down but I was too upset. "Can we talk privately?" Will asked. "Yeah, I'll take the blood test first", the nurse said and I offered my hand to her.

We stepped to the hall and immediately Will hugged me. "Niki", he whispered. "You hate me", I said and tried to get off his grip. "No, I love you", he said and my heart skipped a beat. "You.. what?" I asked and Will smiled. "I love you... and our baby", he said and over and over again he melts my heart. "I'm just so scared", I whispered. "I know and I'm here for you all the time, I don't know what do you think about keeping the baby but whatever you decide remember that I'm on your side", he said and I pulled him into a kiss. "I love you too", I said when I let go of him. "And what comes to our baby, if there someone is", I looked at my stomach. "I don't really know yet", I shrugged. "This is too hard", I struggled.


We sat in front of the doctor's desk. "So the result of your blood test is pretty simple, Nikita you are pregnant", the doctor said and leaned to his desk. I heard Niki's deep breath. "May I ask, what do you want to do? You are pretty young and I can see that this wasn't planned pregnancy", the doctor said. "Yeah it was definitely not planned and I don't really know what to do", Niki answered and leaned into her hands. "Okay, well now can I ask you to lay here", the nurse pointed to the bed and she laid there. "So this is a machine which is going to find your baby's heartbeat", the nurse explained. She lifted Niki's shirt up, revealing her stomach. Then she spread some gel on it and started scanning her stomach with the machine. The sound was just some kind of noise and her own heartbeat. "So this is your own heartbeat", the nurse clarified and Niki nodded. I just sat there and pressed Niki's hand. She continued searching and then stopped. "Here", she said and we listened. A second heartbeat.

The moment was amazing. I looked at Niki and she looked at me. That's our baby. We both knew it and we both were thinking about it, even though we didn't say anything.

"I really can't believe there is someone", Niki said and the nurse smiled. First time in this whole time I saw that Niki smiled. "There is a baby", now she turned to me. "Pretty cool, is it?" I asked and Niki smiled again. "Okay, we'll see next time at the pregnancy week 6 and you're gonna have the first ultrasound", the nurse said. "So do I have to know then?" Niki asked and the nurse licked her lips. "Well, sooner is better", the doctor said. "Now, go to have some time together and talk about this", the nurse said and let us go.

words: 1114

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