18 - A ring

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It's finally Christmas. We're celebrating Christmas with my mom and Nicholas. It had snowed the whole week and now was really white. "Can you imagine that next Christmas there is four of us", mom said as she put some potatoes in the oven. "Nick? Can you please go to check how the pudding is doing", mom shouted. "Of course!" Nick shouted and went to the cellar where was cool enough to retain some foods. "Niki, you and Will would go to find the Christmas tree decorations!" Mom said as she mixed the gravy. "Yeah", I said and waited that Will came from the bathroom. "Hey, let's go to the attic, to find the tree decorations!" I said. "okay!" Will said and we climbed to the attic. We looked for the different boxes. "There it is!" I said and Will walked to me. "Let me take it", he said. "Yeah, my back is already burning", I chuckled. Will took the box and we went back downstairs. The Christmas tree was in our living room. "Nick!" I shouted. "Come decorate the tree!" "Yeah! I'm coming!" He shouted back and I heard how his room's door opened. "Hi", he said as he stepped into the living room. "Come decorate with Will, my back is so sore that I think I'm resting a little bit", I said and sat on the chair. I felt how our girl was kicking again. "Your stomach is already kinda big", Nick said as I sat down. "Yeah, a girl is kicking again, do you wanna feel it?" I asked and Nick gave his hand to me. I put his hand on my stomach. His face was so happy. "Do you feel it?" I asked. Nick nodded his head. "It's so weird that there is a baby", he said. "I know", I said. "Nick, do you wanna put the star?" Will asked. Nick turned around immediately. "Yeah!!" He was so excited. Will took Nick on his shoulders and let him put the star on the top of the tree. I took a picture of them. My favorite boys. I put the picture on my wallpaper.

"Niki, you have to put this to the tree!" Nick gave me the decoration which said "my first Christmas 2001"

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"Niki, you have to put this to the tree!" Nick gave me the decoration which said "my first Christmas 2001". My god mom gave it to me and it's so important to me. It's pink and has snowflakes on it. I stood up and put it in the tree. "You've done a great job", I said looking at the tree. "Wow, what a beautiful tree!" Mom said as she came to the living room. "How are you feeling honey", she asked when she walked next to me. "My back hurts but everything else is fine", I said smiling. "Good, when the due date was?" Mom asked. "21st of March", I said and smiled. "It's three months then", mom said and I nodded. "It's too exciting", Will said and wrapped his arm around my waist, pressing a slight kiss on my forehead. "You'll be great parents, remember to maintain you're relationship as well, even though the baby will be the best thing ever happened to you two. Still you two are the thing where everything began", mom said. I hugged her. "Thank you mom. You'll be the best grandmom to our baby", I said and smiled.

We ate the Christmas dinner and it was so good. "Thank you mom, again. This was amazing!" I said. "Wait! We have dessert!" Nick stood up and ran away. "Nick did the dessert by himself", mom said proudly. "That must be amazing", I said and glanced at Will, who smiled at me. "Here!" Nick put the pudding on the table. He had decorated the pudding and he had done text "I cannot wait to be an uncle" with sprinkles. "Aww, it's so pretty. Good job Nick!" I said and Nick smiled so happily. We tested it and it tasted so good. "Wow, this is so good!" I said. "I want to be a chef", Nick said suddenly. "I'm sure you'll be a great chef", Will said with a smile. I see how Nick admires Will because his eyes light up. "You think so?" He asked. "Of course!" Will said and Nick smiled so widely. "Is it present time?" Mom asked then. "YES!" Nick shouted and ran to his room. Neither of us, me or Nick, haven't believed in Santa Claus. Mom has always told us that she buys gifts and it's always been normal to us. Our friends always said that we were so stupid that Santa didn't want to visit us but we didn't care about that. "So Nick doesn't believe in Santa Claus?" Will asked. Mom shook her head. "I've never told either of them about the Santa, I've always just said that I buy the gifts for them", mom said. "I didn't want them to be disappointed when they find out the truth", she continued. "That's kinda smart", Will said. "Do you wanna do that as well?" I asked tapping my stomach. "Maybe, but we have a few years to think about that", Will smiled and I nodded.

We shared the presents and talked about everything. "This is for you my love", I said as I gave the present to Will. "Thank you!" Will said and smiled. I was kind of assuming that I would get a gift from him as well but he just continued talking with my mom. I shrugged and gave a gift to Nick. "I hope that you like it", I said and Nick opened the package. There was a light blue T-shirt which said: "The best uncle!" "OMG! This is so cool!" He said and I smiled at him. I saw how Will and my mom talked together. I'm happy that they get along so well. "Niki, could you give me scissors from the desk?" Mom asked and I nodded. I stood up and walked to the desk. I opened the drawer and took the scissors. When I turned back Will had kneeled down in front of me. His smile was bigger than ever. I put the scissors back on the desk. "Niki, I know that we haven't known a very long time but we've gone through a lot of things. But I know that I want to go through the rest of everything with you as well", he said taking the little box from his pocket. "I love you, and that's because I'm asking...", he opened the box and I saw the most beautiful ring ever. "Will you marry me?" Will asked and I teared up. "Yes! Of course, I will!!" I answered and Will put the ring on my finger and we kissed. "When is the wedding?" Nick asked and we laughed. "Let's have the baby first!" I said and Will nodded. "Can I be the flower boy?" Nick asked. "Of course, and maybe you can have a flower girl with you", I tapped my stomach. 

words: 1180

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