21 - A bonus

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8 years later...

"April and Stella! Get ready for school!" I shouted as I flipped over another pancake. "Mom! Stella took my favorite socks!" April complained. "Honey, you have hundreds of socks, you can take another one", I said and smiled at her. "Okay", she agreed and went back to their room. "Did you make your bed already?" I asked. "Yes!" She said and came back to the kitchen. "And I taught Stella to do her bed as well!" She said so proudly. I kissed her cheek. "You're so good, big sister!" I said and she smiled at me. "Good morning!" Mom said when she walked into the kitchen. "There is freezing cold, girls put on warm clothes!" She said. "Grannyy!" Stella cheered. "Stella take your beanie!" April handed a beanie to her. "Thank you mom, for taking them to school", I said smiling. "Of course, how is Aurora?" She asked. "She's better already, but still she has a slight fever", I said. "Honey, you're so strong! You have four amazing girls and you just look as amazing as before!" I smiled back. "Don't forget my husband!" I said and at that exact moment, Will walked into the kitchen Evelyn on his lap. "Aurora fell back asleep", he said and came to give me a kiss. "Good", I said and put the pan into the sink. "We're leaving now!" Mom said. "Have a great school day my darlings!" I said to them. "Bye honeys!" Will said and Stella and April waved to us. "They're so brisk!" I said and looked at how they jumped into my mom's car. "I know, hey you had the appointment today, right?" Will said. "Yeah, in an hour", I said. "I should change clothes", I added, and as I was going to our bedroom when Aurora walked against me. "Honey, hey", I said and picked her up. "Mommy, I can't sleep. It's too warm", she sniffed. "Oh, I am so sorry, could you sleep better in mommy's bed?" I asked and she nodded. "Mommy?" Aurora asked when I laid her on our bed. "Yeah?" I asked. "When the friend is coming?" She asked her eyes almost closing. "We have to wait a few months still", I said and stroked her head. She fell asleep again. She looks so pretty. I changed my clothes and went back to the kitchen. "Aurora is sleeping on our bed right now", I said and Will nodded. "Bye, Eve", I kissed her forehead and then I kissed Will. "See you soon!" I said and head out.

Two days later...

"We are all here the fifth time to see the same thing!" I smiled with Will on my side. All our four beautiful girls sat on our couch and my mom and Nick, Will's parent's and of course Mark and Kris sat on the other couch. "It's again a gender reveal time!" I said and Will took a big box which was full of either blue or pink balloons. "So which one do you think it's going to be?" Will asked. "It has to be a boy!" Nick said. "Girl!" April and Stella shouted. "Boy!" Aurora said and Evelyn just laughed. "It has to be a boy finally!" Mom said and Kris agreed with that. "It's a girl!" Will's dad said and his mom didn't agree with that. Mark agreed with Will's dad. "Are you ready?" I asked and everyone yelled: "YEES!" "Okay", I opened the box and the pink balloons took off. I kissed Will. "Another girl! How is this happening?" Mom smiled and I looked at Will. Will nodded slightly and he walked to the box. He took another smaller box from the bigger box. "WHAT?" Mom screamed when I started laughing. "No! This can't be real, are there two?" Kris said and we just nodded. "Is there two babies?" April asked with her eyes widened. "Yeah!" I said and all of our girls looked so excited. "Well, you can't have six girls!" Mom laughed. "Yes! This is going to be a boy!" Nick said and Will opened the other box and again pink balloons! "We're going to have six girls!" I hugged Will. "This is going to be so wild".

A four months later...

"So are you ready for our twins' names?" Will asked and a big group of our friends and relatives looked so happy. "So baby A is called... Sophie Amanda Gold!" Everyone clapped their hands and I let Will to announce the other name: "And the baby B is called... Eden Alaina Gold!" Will said and everyone clapped and cheered again. "Can I take a family picture of you all?" Mom asked. "Sure!" I said and all of our pretty girls came to stand in front of us. We all smiled at my mom's phone and she smiled at us. "That was a great picture!" She said.

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