19 - A baby

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It was early March when we decided to go to meet Will's relatives. First, we met Will's mom and dad and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty awkward. Will's dad was so nice but his mom just avoided his dad and everything was pretty chaotic at first. When Will's mom had to leave for work everything started to go better. We talked about our future and how Will's dad is excited to become a grandfather. After that, we went to see Kris and Mark. "Hello!" Will said when we stepped into the hotel. "Will! Niki! So nice to see you!" Kris said and ran to hug us. "Heyy!" I said and smiled at her. "How have you been feeling?" She asked. "I've been pretty good, back is very hurt but everything else is still pretty okay", I said. "And sleeping is pretty uncomfortable." "She's been using me as her bodypillow", Will said and Kris laughed. "Any signs of birth yet?" She asked and I shook my head. "Well I've had those exercise contractions, but nothing more yet", I answered. "When your due date is?" She asked and we went to sit down. "It's the 21st" I answered and Kris nodded. I yawned. "So how has your day been?" She asked. "We traveled for two hours and then met my mom and dad, then mom left for work and we stayed with dad. Then we came here", Will told and I yawned again. "Niki seems tired", Kris chuckled. "I am", I laughed too. "Should we head to sleep?" Will asked and I nodded.

We went to Will's hotel room and it looked the same as before. I flopped on the bed and Will came next to me. "Will", I said all of the sudden. "Yes darling", still, every time I got butterflies. "I think that the baby will be born soon", I said. Will raised his head and looked confused. "Why?" He asked. "I don't know, I just have the feeling", I said. "Okay, that's a bit weird, do you feel something different?" Will asked. "No, everything seems the same but something in my head says that it's going to happen soon", I answered and Will hugged me. "Okay, we'll see", he answered and I fell asleep.

I woke up because of pain. I checked the time and it was 2 am. I considered if I would wake Will up but decided that I ain't gonna do it yet. I thought what if these are the contractions and started taking time. They came every six minutes first, then five, four, and when they started becoming every three minutes I decided to wake Will up. "Will", I whispered and shook him a little bit. "Mmh", he mumbled. "I think our baby is going to be born", I said and Will's eyes popped open. "What? Like now?" He panicked. "No, not now but I think that my birth has started", I said. And that was the moment when we called the hospital. They said that we should come there, so that was what we did.

When we arrived at the hospital I realized that it is the same hospital where we were after the train crash. "You called right?" The receptionist asked. "Yes", Will said and stroked my back when I concentrated on breathing. She told the room for us and there we went. I changed the hospital clothes because every nurse was so sure that my birth had started. Then the midwife came in and checked how open I was. "Nikita", she said. "You can call her just Niki", Will said. Do we have the same minds? "Niki, you're 8 cm open, so that means you can push pretty soon", she said. I was really confused. I've read about births that last many hours or even more than one day. I haven't even realized that I'm having our baby now. Will stroked my head and talked to me with a calm voice. I didn't focus on what he said I just tried to keep myself together. After a while, the midwife came back and checked me again. At the same time, I felt like I should really push. "If you feel like pushing, do it", the midwife said. And so I did. I didn't even get any pain relief but at this point, I think it's too late. "Niki, you're doing so great and I love you", I heard, and then I pushed again. Suddenly there were many midwives and nurses in the room. After a while of pushing, I just felt relief. Then everyone went silent. The silence was broken by the baby's cry. "Congratulations!" One of the midwives said and took our baby to the side. "Will... she's here", I started crying and Will cried too. We kissed. "So 12th of March, the time was 4.00. 3209 g and 55 cm", the midwife said and now I got the baby on my chest. She's the prettiest thing ever. I stroked her head. "She's perfect", I whispered and Will stroked my head. "I know, and she's ours", Will said.

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