7 - A dream

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We sat at our table. "Hey, are you okay? You've seen a little bit odd this morning?" I asked as I started eating my breakfast. "Yeah, I'm fine", Will said, flashed a quick smile, and started eating. "I've just been hungry", he added and I believed him.

After breakfast, we went back to the hotel room. Will was still a little bit weird. "Hey now, tell me if something is wrong?" I said as I sat next to him on the bed. "And I'm wishing that you're completely honest", I added and he sighed. "Okay, I'll be honest", he said and took another deep breath. "I've noticed that I have feelings for you Niki", he burst to my face. Then he shrugged and said: "That's it." I couldn't say anything. "I know that we haven't known each other even a week and Amy left me just a few days ago, but well I can't do anything to my feelings. Now it's said", he shrugged again. "Will", I whispered and he looked at me. "Yeah?" He asked and raised his eyebrows. "What if I have feelings for you too?" I asked and his face lit up. "You have?" He asked and I nodded slightly. "But I wanna be very careful", I added and Will nodded with a big smile. Then he wrapped me into a very warm and loving hug. Suddenly he let go. "But who is that Hunter guy?" He asked with a very suspicious tone in his voice. Now I understand why he's been so weird. "He is just a very close friend of mine", I said and smiled. "A very close friend? Like me?" Will raised his eyebrows. "No, in a different way. I've known him since we were little kids and if we're talking about love things Hunter is completely gay", I chuckled and Will blushed. "Uhm I'm sorry", he mumbled and I just hugged him. "It's okay, just don't be jealous", I smiled and then I remembered.... Alex. "Uhm Will", I loosened my grip on him so I could look into his eyes. "Yeah?" He said and sounded a little bit scared. "I have an ex", I said and scratched my nose. "And he's uhm very weird", I continued, scared to look back at Will's eyes. "Okay, has he done something to you?" Will asked and stroked my arm. "Yeah, well he thinks that we are still together, even we haven't been in two months and Hunter has been like my guardian from him because we're scared that he will do something to me", I explained, and then I started tearing up. "I-It's just been so hard", I sobbed and Will moved closer. "Hey, don't cry, everything will be okay, I'm here with you and I don't let anyone hurt you", he whispered and I comforted in his touch.


We laid down on the bed and just cuddled. We haven't done anything else this day. "Hey, would you like to do my work with me?" I asked suddenly thinking about my streaming things. "Sure, what is your job?" Niki asked and smiled. "I'm doing music and streaming", I said and smiled back. "Okay, well where are you streaming?" Niki's look explored our room. "Well, I have an office but it's not here", I explained. "Uhm we need to travel, it's close to my house and if you want you could stay with me for a bit", I said and Niki looked so excited. "Yeah!" She cheered. "But should we or I mean should you spend some time with your relatives while you're here", she said blinking her eyes. "Yeah, I should", I said and muttered my lips. "You can come with me if you want to", I suggested. "Well, I think I should call my mom", Niki said and I nodded. "Okay, you'll call your mom and then come to room number 304", I smiled and gave a keycard to her. She smiled back and took the card. "I'll be there", she said and I nodded, leaving her alone in our room.


"Hey, mom", I said when I called to her. "Niki, hey. I'm just driving your brother to his basketball practice, do you have something important?" She said and I felt a stitch in my heart. "No, I don't have anything important", I said. "Okay, bye then", she quit the call. I started crying uncontrollably. How can my mom be like that? I just can't... the door opened quietly. I tried to calm down. Will stepped in. "Niki!" He said and almost ran next to me. "I thought you were talking to your mom", he said and I shook my head. "I was", I just said and started crying more again. "I'm so sorry Niki", Will kept me close. "Would you like to come with me?" He asked and I nodded. Will took his phone which he had forgotten into our room and then we headed to room number 304. Will opened the door with his keycard. My eyes widened when we stepped in. "What is this?" I asked and then I saw Will's relatives sitting on the couch. "This is our special movie room!" The woman said and stood up. "I'm Will's aunt, Kris, Nice to meet you!" She said and shook my hand. "And I'm Mark, Kris's husband", The man shook my hand as well. "Nice to meet both of you, I am Niki", I smiled a little bit and then glanced at Will. He smiled at me and nodded towards the couch. "Let's take a seat", he said and I sat on the couch. Will sat next to me. "So how have you recovered?" Kris asked and smiled warmly. "Well, I have been okay like almost the whole time", I said. "And I've been okay, but I lost my sense of smell because of the crash", I said and Kris looked shocked. "Oh, I'm so sorry. How did that happen? If I may ask", she asked and I nodded. "Yeah, so apparently I hit my head and something affected my brain", I shrugged and sniffed. "That's horrible, but luckily it was just a smell, nothing more important", Mark said and I nodded as a response.


We talked with Kris and Mark for almost an hour. "I'm heading back home today", I said and Kris nodded. "Okay, how about you Niki?" She asked and Niki smiled at me. "She's coming with me", I said and smiled back. "Oh, I see, and tell me when the wedding is coming?" All of us laughed. "Hopefully at some point", I said and glanced again at Niki. She blushed darkly. "Young love, look Mark we were exactly like them hmm 35 years ago", we laughed again. "I wish everything good for you two", Kris said and hugged both of us.

We stood at the train station. "Are you ready to go to train again?" I asked. Niki seemed very nervous. "I think so", her voice trembled. "Hey", I said and made eye contact with her. Then I took her hand and pressed a slight kiss on it. "It's going to go very normally", I smiled and Niki blushed. "Than you Will", she said and then we stepped on the train.

We were really tired when we arrived at my apartment. The time was almost 6 pm, but both of us were so ready to sleep. "Do you wanna eat something before sleeping?" I asked when we stepped into my living room. "Yeah, if it's okay", she said yawning and looking extremely cute. "Yes, it's more than okay", I said with a smile. I walked to my fridge. "So what would you like to eat?" I asked while Niki sat on my couch looking so tired. "Uhm I don't know", she yawned her eyes were almost closed. I walked in front of her and put my hand on her cheek. "Hey, don't sleep yet, wait just 30 minutes, okay?" I whispered. "Okay", she mumbled and nodded slowly. I handed a controller to her. "You can watch something, I'll make food for you", I said and Niki nodded again.

I made a quick omelet for us and cut it in half. I decorated our omelets with some pepper, red onion, and sauce. Then I took the plates and walked towards Niki. I sat next to her. "Here you go, my princess", okay I wasn't meant to say that... those words just slipped... what if I made her feel uncomfortable? "Ahw thank you, it smells, no... it looks great!" She smiled and a slight blush tinted on her cheeks. I blushed as well but Niki was already focused back on the tv. We ate in comfortable silence.

"What if this was a dream?" Niki asked as she laid on my bed. I blinked a few times because of confusedness. "Well then you are probably waking up soon", I said and chuckled slightly. "Do you hope so?" I asked then sitting beside her. "No, definitely not", she said yawning. "Okay, sleeping beauty, now we're going to sleep", I said and glanced at my clock: 6.58 pm. "Mmm I don't want to sleep", Niki mumbled. "You're basically already half asleep", I laughed and she smiled tiredly. "But if this is a dream and I'm going to sleep now, I will lose it all", she was so close to falling asleep. "Okay, Niki. You ain't gonna lose anything, good night", I said as I laid down as well. "Can you at least cuddle with me?" She muttered her bottom lip and made me chuckle slightly. "Okay then", I opened my arms and she, like an exactly right puzzle piece, clicked into my arms.

words: 1616

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