6 - A sense of smell

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In the morning we had our cranial nerve exams. I was nervous for Niki, what if the smell thing doesn't go away? We tried again in our room, before the exam thing but Niki couldn't smell the sanitizer. "So everything seems to be okay", the doctor said and I nodded. "What about Niki?" I asked and the doctor shrugged. "I don't know, do you know something that we should be worried about? You've seen so nervous this whole time?" He asked and leaned on his desk. "She can't smell anything", I burst out of my mouth. "Oh," the doctor said and blinked a few times. "Well, you can go to pack your stuff now", he said and speedran away from the room. I walked probably last time into our room, it felt weird.

I folded my two hoodies from the cabinet to my backpack. Suddenly our door opened and I saw a familiar girl stepping into our room. "Niki", I said and she looked at me with her eyes red and puffy. I know those eyes. Those eyes have cried. I hugged her. "Everything wasn't okay, was it?" I whispered and Niki started crying again. "Shh it's okay", I tried. "Will! I can't smell anything! And probably won't ever again smell anything", Niki cried. I directed her to sat on my bed with me. I just swayed her back and forth. "Are you going to stay here longer?" I asked kinda scared what the answer was going to be. "No, but I have to come tomorrow again, so I can't go back home", she sniffed. "Do you know where you are going to stay?" I asked and she shook her head. "Do you wanna suggestion?" I asked with a smile. She smiled back and nodded. "You should stay with me", I said and her face lit up. "Yeah", she smiled and I hugged her again.

We stepped out and it had rained like a few minutes ago. "Omg I love this smell", I said but then I realized. "Uhm I- I mean", I stuttered and blushed from embarrassment. "It's okay", Niki mumbled quietly. "Noo, Nikii! It's not if I made you sad", I said and stopped her. I pulled her into a hug. "It's okay, I'll get used to it", she whispered. I closed my eyes. "Propose already!" Some granny said when she walked past us. I chuckled and Niki smiled as well. "We're just friends", I said smiling at her. "Oh, I was a priest and I know that you two have something special. God has made you two for each other", she said continuing to walk. We looked at each other eyes and then burst into a laugh. "She was sweet", Niki smiled and I nodded smiling. "Yeah, she was", I answered. "But a little bit funny", I said. "You're a little bit funny", Niki said and chuckled. "Am I?" I asked tilting my head on the side. Niki just laughed and turned away from me. "Let's go", she said and I chuckled as well.


When we arrived at the hotel the time was 12 pm. Will greeted his aunt and I smiled slightly. "There is food in your room", his aunt said and both of us thanked her. Then we headed to the lift. Will opened our room's, oh well his room's door and we stepped in. "Wow, what a great smell, isn't it?" Will said and sniffed the air. "Probably", I shrugged and laughed slightly. "Nikiii! I'm so horrible", Will buried his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry, I will try to get used to this, I promise", he laid his hands on my shoulders. "I believe in you", I smiled, and then we ate. It tasted great. "You know what", I said and Will raised his look to me. "Yeah?" He asked. "If I want to find something positive from this situation it is that my sense of taste is much better now!" I smiled and Will started smiling as well. "You're so amazing Niki, so amazing". That comment made me blush completely.

"So I have just one bed here, but I can sleep on the couch", Will said walking around his hotel room. "Is this really like your room?" I asked as I stood up. Will nodded. "Oh, cool. Well, we could sleep in the same bed, if it's okay with you", I said and Will just smiled back. "Why not", he said and the thought made butterflies fly in my stomach. It's a shade that now is just midday so there will be many hours before sleeping. I feel like I haven't slept well in weeks. "Hey, are you tired?" Will asked letting the dishes, which he washed, dry. "You can see it?" I asked yawning. "Well apparently", Will smiled. "You can sleep if you want to", he said then and I nodded. I walked to his bed and fell onto it. "Are you tired?" I asked when I dug myself under the blanket. "Well, a little bit", Will said stretching his arms. "You can sleep with me", I said and smiled shyly. Will smiled back and came next to me. "If it's okay to you", he almost whispered. "Of course", I answered and moved closer to the window. Will laid next to me. "Have a good nap", he said and I smiled as I fell asleep.


When I woke up I saw Niki laying on the other side of my bed. Her back faced me. I drew a circle on it with my finger. She shivered and turned around now facing me. "Oh I didn't know you were awake", I blushed and Niki just chuckled with her morning voice. (which was by the way the prettiest voice I've ever heard) "What are we smelling today?" I asked carefully and trying not to be rude. Luckily Niki just laughed and after that, she took a deep breath. "Still nothing", she said and I rolled a little bit closer to her. "I'm sorry", I whispered and suddenly she wrapped her arms around me and moved closer. "Let's be here for a moment if it's okay", she said quietly and my heart melt. "Yes, let's be here", I whispered back and wrapped my arms around her as well. Then we laid there for a sweeping moment which was actually three hours because both of us fell asleep. When I woke up the next time Niki was sleeping right next to me, cuddling with me. Then I heard how her phone started ringing and she woke up as well. "Someone is calling to me", she said and I stood up to get her phone. "Who is it?" She asked rubbing her eyes. "Someone who is called Hunter💕 ", I said and Niki reached her arm. I gave her the phone. "Hey, Hunter!" She sounded so happy and cheerful even though she woke up like two seconds ago. I felt kinda like uncomfortable. Girl, who I was cuddling with a minute ago is now sounding extremely happy while talking to some other guy... I stood up and walked to our balcony. I sat on the chair and dug a phone from my pocket. "Hey, you can eat breakfast for free<3 - auntie" I smiled and closed my phone. I took a deep breath and leaned back on the chair. Niki stepped to the balcony and then sat next to me in another chair. "Hi", she said and smiled. "Hey", I mumbled back. "So are you hungry?" She asked. "Yeah, we should head to the breakfast."

words: 1264

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