11 - A young

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I leaned my head to the headrest. "Will, this is a big mess", I said when he started the car. "Okay, tell me about it", Will said and I took a deep breath. "Well, at first I thought that I won't keep the baby but when I heard the heartbeat it just felt so right. What if I keep this baby?" I said and sighed. "We", he said and I turned my look at him. "What?" I asked confused. "We keep the baby, not just you", he said focusing on the road. I smiled. "I love you so much, Will", I said and saw how Will smiled as well. "I love you, both of you", he said and reached for my hand. I interlocked our fingers and pressed his hand. Will put the radio on and "Welcome to the black parade" by My Chemical Romance started playing

"When I was a young boy

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band

He said, "Son when you grow up

Would you be the savior of the broken

The beaten and the damned?"

"Will, we're so young", I said suddenly when Will parked and stopped the car. "Is this going to ruin everything?" I said and looked at my stomach, putting my hands on it. Suddenly I saw how Will put his other hand on top of my hands. "It won't ruin anything, I believe in us and we can do everything with a baby", he said looking straight into my eyes. He moved his hand under my chin and leaned in for a kiss. "I love you so much", he said. "I love you too", I answered and we kissed again. "Shall we head inside?" He asked and I nodded.

We sat on my couch and I snuggled to Will's armpit. "So I was thinking", Will started and I closed my eyes. "What if we moved together?" He asked and my eyes flashed back open. I looked at him. "Really?" I asked and Will's hand stroked my back. "Yeah, well at least in these nine months", he said and now I really realized it. "Will", I said and Will nodded. "Yeah?" He asked and I suddenly sat up. "We are really having a baby", I said and Will smiled. "Yeah, we are", he said but then stopped smiling. "Is it a good thing?" He ensured. "I think it is, even though at the same time I'm completely terrified", I answered and Will sat up as well. "Next summer we have a baby", I added and Will smiled happily. "Yeah, just imagine", he said and I leaned back. "When are we telling our parents and friends?" He asked then and I shrugged. "Maybe not yet, everything is just so unsure", I said and Will nodded. "We'll tell right when you're ready", Will said. "Should we head to the shop? My fridge is like empty", I chuckled and Will helped me to stand up. "Yes", he said with a smile.

"I wanna buy a notebook", I said suddenly and Will turned at me. "Okay sure", he said and we walked to the aisle where the notebooks were. I took one with flowers on it. "What are you going to do with it?" Will asked when I pressed it against my chest. "I will write a pregnancy diary and when our baby is older they can read it and see what I've or we've thought, you can write something in it too", I said and smiled. "Okay, that's the cutest idea ever", Will said and hugged me. "Thanks", I mumbled against his chest. 

words: 605

A/N: this was kinda lame chapter ngl :DD but I have already written the next one and it's much better!!!

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