The Fool (ZekeGreenwick)

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The Fool

Who am I? I am but a fool

Fueling the fire by firing the fuel

Oh where can a fool find some relief?

Believe me not? I'll show disbelief

Perhaps you're the fool and perhaps I am wise

Perhaps you've been fooled by my foolish disguise

For I fool those wise and I wise those fools

Bathing with Truth and Truthing the Pool

But I am not wise, this is a mistake

For my truth is falsehood and falsehood is Fake

And in feigning my wisdom you become wiser

As I rich the poor by mocking the miser

Who's fooling who? Does it matter at all?

Why not stand proudly causing prideful to fall?

And if I should fall, who's to say I can't rise?

Those who speak truth that's riddled with lies?

Are we but fools? Only fooling each other?

I fool one fool and you'll fool another

What else would we be but a couple of fools?

As two become One and one becomes Two

So let us be foolish and nonsencically sane

Let us curse darkness as it curses our names

Why bother with fools who bother at all?

They're just being foolish and those fools too will fall

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