First Kiss in Times Square (MagicWaves2016)

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First Kiss in Times Square

Billboards all around

Multi-colored bright lights flashing

Rolling ads moving top to bottom

In the midst of Manhattan skyscrapers

Surrounded by an international crowd

An anxiousness and exhilaration in the air

There he and I stood

Just the two of us together

At the center of Times Square

Amongst a sea of tourists

I look into his loving eyes

He smiles and leans forward

Gives me my very first kiss

Immune to all sounds

We kiss repeatedly and passionately

Heartbeats fluttering with excitement

My crush beside me

Felt like a dream come true

Such a pleasurable, splendid time

Walking around, hand in hand

Looking around the shops

We sit on the inclined benches

Watching the people walk by

My head against his chest

We have our final kiss

The longest kiss

Before we have to depart

My bus back to New Jersey

His flight back to Texas

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