Selfish (Izuru205)

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Walked away

With each stride forward,

Wondered about all that was left unsaid.

Whether it would have made a difference.

Was it the right decision?

Was it a mistake?

Wishy-washy, I was tired of waiting, working.

Wanton presence, weakened by this wearisome pattern.

Wary, I walked away.

What was once warm,

What once made me feel whole,

When did it become a burden for my soul?

Wants that never coincided.

Where do they go?

Waded in head first, thinking things will change.

Wave-like, I went back and forth.

Wishful for a happy ending.


We talk, we smile while in our hearts--

Wanted posters are hung over places we empty.

When tomorrow comes,

We'll talk, we'll smile

We'll sing but with a broken chord.

With time all will heal and we will go on.

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