Ocean of fear (Abbydf)

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 Ocean of fear

I sit letting the ocean wind blow through my hair,

Lost in thought.

Facing the beach I begin to stare,

Thinking about the lessons it has taught.

The people swim giggling with glee,

The water wishes to swallow them whole.

However I hear the dead's silent plea,

Those who were not spared of the riptide's goal.

Sunlight gleams from the mighty waves,

Surfers grab their boards with delight.

Although to many the water is their graves,

They don't seem to mind the possibility of fright.

Turquoise and Aqua across one's field of view,

The two shades mix when the sky meets the sea.

So calming is this combining hue,

A cover for a murderer it wishes to be.

The taste of salt is in the troposphere,

Thankfully not the stench of bloodshed.

Young children cry for they know the danger here,

The ocean is something humanity should dread.

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